۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۲, جمعه

Iranian Diaspora demanding the extradition of Tehran’s diplomat terrorist from Germany to Belgium

Iranian Resistance supporters calling for the extradition of Assadollah Assadi from Germany to Belgium for prosecution

Following the foiled Iranian regime’s terror plot targeting the Iranian opposition convention in Paris on June 30th, Iranians living in Europe and North America have launched a campaign demanding German authorities to extradite an apprehended diplomat of the mullahs’ regime to Belgium for prosecution.
Assadollah Assadi, 46, was arrested in eastern Germany and faces charges of plotting a terror attack and the intention to commit murder.

Assadollah Assadi, the Vienna-based Iranian regime diplomat arrested in Germany
Assadollah Assadi, the Vienna-based Iranian regime diplomat arrested in Germany

Iranians on Twitter and other social media platforms are also very active using the #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists hashtag, calling for all countries to expel the Iranian regime’s so-called diplomats.
A senior U.S. State Department official, on the condition of remaining anonymous, has also recently warned about the nature of Tehran’s diplomatic missions in other countries and advised extreme caution and a very strict evaluation of their background.
Freedom-loving Iranians in France, Germany and Italy have held protest rallies to make their demands heard.
Protest rally in Paris demanding the extradition and prosecution of Iranian regime diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi
Berlin, Germany
Reuters reported citing German prosecutors saying Assadi, suspected of planning to carry out a bombing targeting the Iranian opposition convention in Paris, can be extradited to Belgium.

German prosecutors on Wednesday accused Assadollah Assadi with activity as a foreign operative and conspiracy to commit murder.
Based in Vienna, Assadi is suspected of hiring an Iranian-Belgian couple in the northeast European country to stage an attack at the annual convention held by the Iranian Diaspora expressing their support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its pillar member, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

French authorities have also arrested an individual by the name of Mehrdad Arefani, 55, on charges of being in collaboration with the Iranian-Belgian couple intending to bomb the Free Iran 2018 rally in Paris. Reports indicate he is to be extradited to Belgium.
Alfani's ex-wife has been in contact with an Iranian regime intelligence agent.
The Iranian Resistance has time and again warned about Tehran’s devious and dangerous intentions in Europe and other regions across the globe

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