۱۳۹۷ تیر ۱۶, شنبه

Rouhani’s unfulfilled European dreams

Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s president

 As Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s president, headed for Switzerland and Austria earlier this week, there was much speculation over the possible goals of his trip. While in Tehran’s Mehrabad airport, Rouhani said, “While the U.S. has acted against international law and its obligations and pulled out of the nuclear deal, negotiations with Europe has become more important than before, since all five countries, including China, Russia and three European countries and the members of the European Union are trying to stay in the deal without the U.S.”
Rouhani also stipulated that negotiations won’t be limited to Austria and Switzerland and the Join Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the deal is formally known. The talks would also include a propositional package by European nations and other topics, including “regional peace and stability,” Syria and Yemen, according to Rouhani.

Rouhani’s goals

But the regime’s own media outlets clearly stated that Rouhani failed to meet his goals during the trip. What were those goals?
Aside from Rouhani’s remarks and the news surrounding his trips, three possibilities exist. First, this was a show to convince the regime’s forces that they have not been isolated. This possibility is backed by Rouhani’s own remarks pertaining to mental warfare by the enemies isolating the Iranian regime.
Second, after failing to gain the support of France, Britain and Germany, Rouhani has been trying to find support among other, less influential states in order to reduce the effects of the sanctions.
And finally, there’s a possibility that Rouhani was seeking to approach the U.S through Switzerland as the longtime mediator between the Iranian regime and the U.S.

The Austrian disaster

But Rouhani’s trip to Austria coincided with the failed terrorist attempt against the Iranian opposition convention in Paris, which was coordinated by one of the regime’s diplomats in Austria. Consequently, his Austrian trip turned into a disaster, especially as Austrian leaders asked Rouhani for explanations in front of the media. This was a real insult to Rouhani.
Moreover, while Rouhani was still in Austria, Austrian authorities removed the diplomatic immunity of Assadollah Assadi, the Iranian regime’s diplomat involved in the terrorist attempt against the Free Iran Gathering. This is the first step toward having Assadi delivered to Belgian authorities for sentencing.

A historical analogy

In 2016, Rouhani canceled a scheduled trip to Austria after Austrian authorities refused to comply with his demands to prevent a demonstration by the supporters of PMOI/MEK that was scheduled to take place during his trip. The Austrian government said at the time that it would not prevent individuals from exercising their rights.
The Austrian president told the national TV that the Iranian regime’s president would not be traveling to Austria during his tenure.
However two years later, as Rouhani rescheduled his trip, not only the Iranian opposition’s supporters were still demonstrating against his presence in Austria, but he also had to subdue the disgrace of his diplomat being involved in terrorist activity.
All these facts show how weakened the regime has become in the past two years and how desperate its situation has become.

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