۱۳۹۷ تیر ۱۴, پنجشنبه

Through the eyes of a beleaguered nation

With uprising at every moment

On June 30, I was watching the Free Iran Gathering, thinking how many youths are watching the event? I put myself in their shoes, one of the millions of Iranians who are under the pressure of the miseries imposed by the regime. I talked to him. For a moment I forgot myself and became that beleaguered compatriot, stranded by loneliness, unemployment, poverty and hopelessness. That’s the situation of the youth in Iran. Without a fundamental change, there’s no hope for a better life in Iran.
The ruling mullahs are all corrupt thieves, and they use the best facilities to live a life of luxury. No one thinks about us. I sometimes hear about a relative, friend or acquaintance that manages to escape the difficulties of life in Iran and manages to take refuge in one of the countries abroad. I always thought that the people who put Iran in their rearview mirror forget about the millions of Iranians who continue to suffer in Iran. They’ve escaped the tyranny and torture of the mullahs, they have food on their table, they live in a free society and can follow their dreams and ambitions. Why should they think about us, living under repression and pollution, hunger and thirst, poverty and corruption?
I was mulling over these dark thoughts and absently browsing through social media network when I suddenly saw an image in Telegram that drew my attention: A huge hall filled with tens of thousands of energetic people…

Iranian Oppostion President, Maryam Rajavi

Iranian Oppostion President, Maryam Rajavi

What did I see?

I saw a woman, speaking at a huge gathering that represented Iranians from all walks of life. I saw representatives of other countries, intellectuals that cherish freedom and human values. I saw people of all ages, gathered in one place from every corner of the world for a common cause. They were committed to overthrowing the mullahs’ regime. They addressed the youth and that woman, whom I learned to be Maryam Rajavi, said Rise! Unite with your compatriots! Join your voices, assemble resistance units, and keep the fire of the uprising burning!
They spoke of continuing the uprising that started in December. The uprising of Mashhad, Shiraz, Qeshm, Bandar Abbas, Karaj, Shahriar, Eslamshahr and Isfahan and Khorramshahr, thirsty for water and freedom. They were speaking of protests that will not die down and will deepen.
They said that you can’t place your hopes in the factions of the regime. They’re all part of the same criminal gang. While the people’s continues to plunge into poverty and misery, the regime’s officials are doing nothing to address the economic stagnation and are more focused on deepening their own pockets.
Maryam Rajavi spoke of creating a society that was based on freedom. She said, “This is my commitment to my people to be with your uprising every moment.”

Crowd cheering Maryam Rajavi

Crowd cheering Maryam Rajavi

What happened next?

After seeing the gathering, I felt like I had two souls. One was my own. The other was that of an Iranian youth. The voice of that woman rung in our ears and we couldn’t separate ourselves from it. Sometimes I become that youth and I’m happy that Maryam Rajavi's voice is bringing together all those youths that had the chance to escape Iran and sets them on a path to help us, their compatriots in Iran, to achieve freedom. We’re not alone anymore and we can have hope for a better future.
And sometimes I go back into my own shell and realize that I have a greater responsibility. I have to keep up the struggle for the sake of all those youths inside Iran who need the help of every person like me.

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