۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۷, چهارشنبه

PMOI/MEK networks inside Iran becoming more active

PMOI/MEK network of members & supporters active inside Iran

 As concerns among Iranian regime officials grow over the activities of the PMOI/MEK network inside Iran, these members and supporters are expanding their efforts.


One member of PMOI/MEK team in the country’s capital writes: “After watching the recent Iran opposition convention in Paris, being a major show of force, I rise to the call from [NCRI President Maryam] Rajavi and I’m ready to establish more PMOI/MEK network teams in every city. To [Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei, I saw that we won this round, too. Here I announce the foundation of the PMOI/MEK network team #357. Hoping for the final victory. Tehran, July 2018.”

Another PMOI/MEK network member in Tehran put up a poster of Maryam Rajavi and sent a message saying: “Death to Khamenei, hail to Rajavi, July 2018”
“Our alternative is the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Death to Khamenei, hail to the National Liberation Army and all members & supporters of the PMOI/MEK inside Iran.”
Another member raised a poster and said, “Our alternative for the mullahs’ regime is none other than the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Death to Khamenei.”
Other PMOI/MEK network members were seen writing graffiti on walls across Tehran in support of this resistance movement. This campaign has authorities very concerned.
“Death to the mullahs’ principle, hail to the PMOI, hail to Maryam Rajavi,” the graffiti wrote.
Another poster put up by these members reads:
“Every second with the uprising, this regime will definitely be overthrown, Iran will be free, uprising with PMOI/MEK network members, uprising until overthrow”

Rasht, northern Iran

“PMOI/MEK network members are leading the uprising for the regime’s overthrow. We in Rasht declare our readiness and will bring Maryam Rajavi to Rasht as soon as possible,” one PMOI/MEK network member said.
They also put various tracts across the city with images and quotes of Maryam Rajavi.

Shiraz, Miyaneh, and Semnan

“Regime overthrow is definite” was another slogan seen written in graffiti by PMOI/MEK network members in other cities.
Other slogans, seen in Shiraz, include:
“Iran will be free,” quoting Mrs. Rajavi’s speech at the recent Free Iran 2018 rally in Paris.

A tract in Semnan reads:
“Overthrowing this regime & establishing a free Iran is our task, the people – To overthrow the mullahs’ regime, one needs to have networks and a liberation army.”


PMOI/MEK network members were seen putting up posters of Maryam Rajavi in numerous parts of this city.

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