۱۳۹۷ مرداد ۹, سه‌شنبه

Iran: Parallel strikes by people from all walks of life

Tabriz railway workers launching a strike on Monday

These days we are witnessing employees/workers, farmers, store owners, truck drivers and others launching strikes against Iran’s ruling mullahs’ regime. Economic difficulties and poor living conditions are making life a living hell for the Iranian people.
The protests ongoing in Iran, especially since late December and early January of this year has become a platform where people across the country are staging protests and challenging the regime’s rule.
Truck drivers have launched a second round of strikes, now entering its second week and enjoying the support of various branches of society.
Two other strikes are ongoing parallel to the truckers: various railway workers in numerous cities are on strike, along with the country’s powerful bazaar store owners’ branch.
Railway workers in northwest Iran began in the cities and towns of Sharafkhaneh, Salmas, Tabriz, Zanjan & Qazvin.
Similar strikes are seen in the northeast cities of Neishabour and Damqan, and the Lorestan railway in the west.
The second major strike began on Monday when store owners in Tehran began closing their shops, protesting the nosediving currency and high prices of various goods. They witnessed colleagues in the cities of Tabriz, Shahr-e Rey, Karaj, Qeshm and Rasht also close in solidarity.
Dozens of other protests are witnessed in the four corners of Iran, all taking place in parallel nature. This depicts a powder keg society on the verge of a major uprising and demanding sweeping changes prior to ultimate regime change.
Truck drivers have been able to expand their strike to over 125 cities in all of Iran’s 31 provinces. There have only been two or three other such strikes in Iran’s history, and signs indicate fundamental changes are in the making.
The country’s connections and transportation networks being halted to such an extent is quite significant, to say the least.
Tabriz railway employees on strike
Tabriz railway employees on strike
These strikes gain even more importance when employees of other critical branches, such as the railways, join the truckers.
Furthermore, other railway workers providing service and maintenance to the network are also voicing dissent. Their strike has the potential of delivering a major blow to the regime’s control over the infrastructure that provides crucial revenue for their belligerence.
Tabriz railway employees on strike – July 30
Tabriz railway employees on strike – July 30

The strike expanding in the country’s markets, known as bazaars in Iran, will also significantly increase the society’s spirit to stage further anti-government protests.
The mullahs’ regime fully understands the importance of city bazaars launching strikes. Ever since the 1906 Constitutional Revolution the bazaar has played an important role in the Iranian people’s protests.
During the 1906 revolution, bazaar merchants in Tabriz provided crucial support to the freedom fighters. This played a crucial role in the revolution’s successful end result.
The 1979 revolution also witnessed bazaar merchants playing an important role as the merchants turned against the regime.
This is exactly why the mullahs’ regime is extremely concerned and will go the distance to bring an end to any bazaar strike.

Widespread protests and strikes by the workers of Tabriz railroad

Protest gathering of the Tabriz railroad workers, July 30, 2018

 After not having received their wages for months and having received no answer from the Iranian regime’s authorities, the workers of Tabriz’s railroad gathered in the railroad station on Monday and started a demonstration and a strike. Tabriz’s railroad workers have joined workers in other cities of Azerbaijan province, including Qazvin and Zanjan, who have been on strike in the past days.
The strikes are not limited to the railroad of Azerbaijan and is also ongoing in other parts of Iran. In the past six days, railroad workers in Lorestan, Neyshabur, Damqan and Khoramshahr have also been on strike.
Demonstration by Tabriz railroad workers, July 30, 2018
Demonstration by Tabriz railroad workers, July 30, 2018
Some of Iran’s cities where railroad workers have been protesting include the following:
  • In Zanjan, railroad workers went on strike since last week
  • In Neyshabur, the workers blocked the railway on July 28
  • In Sharafkhaneh, Azerbaijan, railroad workers have been on strike since last week
  • In Zaheda, Baluchistan, railroad workers staged a protest on July 26
  • Railroad workers in Eslamshahr, Karaj, Lorestan, Azerbaijan and Zagros staged demonstrations at the same time
  • Workers went on strike and closed down the railroad of Doroud on July 25
  • The workers of the northeast railway (Semnan, Shahrud, Damqan) went on strike on July 25
  • Railroad workers in Tabriz, Sufian, Ajab Shir, Marand, Salmas and Shafakhaneh went on strike on July 25
  • In Andimeshk, railroad workers went on strike on July 24
  • In Eslamshahr, railroad workers went on strike on July 23
Tabriz railroad workers strike
Tabriz railroad workers strike 
In Tabriz, the protesting workers, who have been dealing with unpaid wages, increasing difficulties at work and no response to their requests, spent the night at the railroad company’s building. They have also refrained from going to work on the next day.
In Sharafkhaneh, Western Azerbaijan, the workers refrained from going to work at a new construction site.
In comments to a local news outlet, one of the workers said, “Today, Monday, is the sixth day of the widespread strike of the railroad company of Azerbaijan. In dialog with the workers, the railroad authorities promised to pay pending wages by July 27, but to date, there’s been no payment.”
The worker added, “Yesterday, the workers of Sharafkhaneh refrained from going to work at a new construction site in protest to their unpaid wages.”
In parallel to protests and strikes in Azerbaijan, railroad workers in other parts of Iran are also staging protests.

۱۳۹۷ مرداد ۲, سه‌شنبه

What the supporters of the Iranian opposition say

Maryam Rajavi, president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

 One of the unique characteristics of this year’s annual rally of the Iranian opposition was the participation of hundreds of prominent politicians, lawmakers, and dignitaries from five continents of the globe. The guests included former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, U.S. presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, former General Attorney Michael Mukasey, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Foreign Minister John Baird, and many more.
2,000 members of parliament from different countries expressed their support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan for the future of Iran.
Other dignitaries, parliamentarians, and organizations voiced their support, either by addressing the tens of thousands of people who had gathered to attend the meeting or by issuing statements of support.
They all had one message: The regime of Iran must go, and the only viable alternative to its tyrannical rule is the main Iranian opposition group NCRI and MEK.
Following are excerpts from speeches and declarations in the Free Iran gathering in support of the Iranian opposition and the uprising of the Iranian people.

The German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran
The German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran

The German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran (GSCFI), consisting of members of the Bundestag and state parliaments acknowledges that the Iranian regime's plot to bomb an Iranian convention in Paris on June 30th is a vivid sing and a signature to identify the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its cornerstone member, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as its sole viable and powerful political alternative that can actually realize regime change in Iran and guarantee a smooth transition of power to the Iranian people based on a 10-point plan presented by NCRI president, Maryam Rajavi as a basis for what a future government in Iran should look like.
The Iranian regime views the PMOI/MEK as one of the prime challenges to its authority and the only realistic alternative to its medieval regime.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph “Rudy” W. Giuliani:
You’ve got an alternative that’s built on a solid foundation of 10 principles. Democracy, human rights, a non-nuclear Iran, separation of church and state, and the rights of women and of all minorities to be protected. My goodness, that sounds like a full-fledged democracy. That’s what the NCRI stands for. That’s what Madame Rajavi stands for, and that’s what your martyrs died for.
You’ve been able to form resistance units all over Iran. Those protests are not happening accidentally. Those protests are happening because they’re being coordinated now, unlike in 2009. And what it says is we have an alternative...
"Suppose the face of Iran was a brave woman in a country that recently has had a history … of treating women inhumanely. And this brave woman will be the face of the new, modern, liberated Iran."

Former Speaker of U.S. House of Representative and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich: And the work each of you is doing — I encourage you, not just the folks who’ve done a great job and it is always amazing to come here and see just the scale of production and to listen to Mrs. Rajavi’s speech and realize how much thought she has put into preparing for a description of where we need to go….
If you go back and look once again at the remarkable speech that Mrs. Rajavi gave, and you think about the years that she and all of her compatriots have put in, the risks they’ve run, the tragic, personal losses they have suffered, freedom will come. It has been paid for by the blood of patriots. It has been paid for by the sweat of patriots. It has been paid for by those willing to stand up to the dictatorship. You are a key part of that.
I want you to know that all the Americans who were up here a few minutes ago are committed to communicating in our country that there is a movement, there is an opportunity for freedom, for democracy, for equal rights, and that movement is meeting right here today and it is vastly larger than any other movement trying to help Iran. And I believe this meeting, combined with what’s happening inside Iran, combined with the toughness of the Trump administration, gives us a genuine opportunity to really move much more dramatically, and to move in the right direction.

Robert Torricelli, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey and
U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District: So to the mullahs, let’s make the situation clear — you are in the fighting ring of history. We stand with the people of Ashraf. We stand with the MEK. We stand with the people in the streets of Iran fighting for freedom. You stand to defend your corruption, your oppression, the denial of freedom. One of us will win. One will lose.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Iran is ruled by a regime of cruel and tyrannical mullahs that represent the opposite of the best of human values. That is why our government took a strong stand against the regime. We sponsored annual resolutions at the United Nations against Iran’s human rights abuses. We used sanctions to cut off the flow of funds to the Revolutionary Guard and other regime entities. We formally listed the regime as an international state sponsor of terrorism. We passed legislation to allow victims to sue the regime for its atrocities. And, friends, we closed the Canadian embassy in Tehran and told the mullahs to get out of Canada.
The mullahs’ prisons continue to overflow with people jailed not for their crimes but for their consciences. And the executioners work relentlessly. Women and girls are still treated as property, not people. Religious minorities are still repressed. And as much as the mullahs repress them, the protests for change rise in the streets, and they will keep rising until the regime is gone.
The 2015 nuclear deal has not moderated the regime. It has made it more belligerent than ever.

Former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird: We come
together to support the people of Iran in their great struggle. For years, far too many Western governments have tried to find a moderate faction within the regime in Tehran. This conciliatory approach has failed, and it has been nothing short of appeasement. We must not ignore the people of Iran, and we must not ignore their desire for change. Over the past six months, the people of Iran have shown great courage in protesting on the streets in more than 140 cities. They are desperately fighting for regime change. And friends, it is time to stand with the people of Iran and to give them our full support. Today, we join Madame Rajavi, a woman of great courage and of great determination. And we gather in Paris to stand with the people of Iran, to support them in their quest for freedom, for equality, and for democracy.

Bill Richardson, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, former Energy Secretary and governor of New Mexico
Bill Richardson, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, former Energy Secretary and governor of New Mexico: There are a lot of distinguished leaders here, but do you know what this event is about? This event is about you. You are the source of change in Iran. The young people, the women, the resistance, the youth, the young people here. And I want to tell you a lot of people ask, “Is there an alternative to the mullahs, to the dictatorship?” And the answer is, “Yes, it’s the resistance. It’s the MEK. It’s Mrs. Rajavi. But it’s you.”
And I say to you, “Why?” Because you’re the ones that have fought against the Shah. You fought against the dictatorship, and against the religious dictatorship. You were there in the trenches, fighting and dying. And you represent a platform, a democratic platform of freedom and democracy. You stand for gender equality. You stand for the U.N. Charter of Human Rights. You stand for free and fair elections. You stand for the private sector. You stand for the end of Sharia law. You stand for democracy and young people having an opportunity for a future with jobs.
So I say to you here, as your friend, the power is with you. The power is with everyone in this room and each one of you represents thousands in Iran that are saying, “No dictatorship.” The end is near. The end is near.

Theresa Villiers, Member of UK Parliament: Let us all hope
that one day Mrs. Rajavi is able to put into effect her 10-point plan, and finally we will see an Iran that is free of the brutal repression of the mullahs, free of the cruelty and human rights abuse to which it’s been subjected for far too long, and free at last to pursue a democratic future where men and women have an equal chance to follow their dreams, make their own choices, and succeed in whichever field of life they want to.

Former Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi: We bring our unswerving support to you, Madame Rajavi, and to all freedom fighters in Iran in the fight for regime change in Iran. We are here to tell you of our profound admiration for the values you are defending, not only in the interest of the Iranian people but in the interest of all humanity. Our unconditional support to President-elect Rajavi and to PMOI is even more determined now.
A large part of Italian society is convinced that being with you is to be on the right side of history. Thirty-eight Italian senators have issued a declaration of support of the Iranian people for the uprising, for the resistance against the regime, and for the fight for freedom and democracy.

Sir David Amess, Member of UK Parliament: I have the honor
to be here with an even larger delegation from Britain than last year. We represent not only the UK Parliament in a cross-party fashion but also Scotland, the Law Society of England and Wales, the unions, academia in the UK and Scotland, as well as religious leaders. You know many of us on this stage, as we have been supporting the NCRI and promoting democracy and human rights in Iran for many years. Our delegation this year consists of over 50 prominent people.

Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner: We are all in agreement, we are all with you. We are all on your side of the new battle. I’m in complete agreement with Maryam Rajavi when she was talking about the very fantastic perspective of democracy and freedom.
These people [here] certainly have listened to Madame Rajavi’s program I repeat, we are all in agreement to be with you, to follow you, to back you on the very clear program to get rid of the mullahs and to prepare and set up and build up a real democracy.

Dr. Matthew Offord, Member of UK Parliament: I commend Madame Rajavi for her 10-point plan for showing the world and the mullahs that not only is a plan available but that it can be achieved by her. The plan offers the people of Iran a free democratic and secular Iran based on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and respect for religious ethnic minorities, gender equality, rule of law, and peaceful coexistence in the world. So today our voices must go out through the media, our word through social media, and let the mullahs know that there is a plan and there is an alternative to their regime.

Roger Godsiff, Member of UK Parliament: The United Kingdom and the EU must recognize the NCRI and Madame Rajavi’s 10-point plan for the future of Iran. And they must also initiate a process of accountability at the U.N. to hold the regime and its leaders to account for decades of human rights abuses and for the massacring of thousands of political prisoners.

Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Douste-Blazy: The situation in Iran is changing. Yes, the Iran situation is no longer in favor of extremists. Yes, the wind is rising in favor of people. Yes, people don’t want factions in power. People want democracy, peace, without corruption.

Ingrid Betancourt
Ingrid Betancourt, former Senator in the Republic of Colombia: Since last December 28th, we are witnessing how Maryam Rajavi has been delivering what she promised. Here in this same forum some years ago, she announced a thousand Ashrafs to topple the corrupt theocratic dictatorship in Iran. And that is happening right now. Maryam Rajavi’s determination has brought this thousand Ashrafs to life inside Iran.

Pompeo strongly criticizes Iran's slate of violations

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

 In remarks supporting Iranian voices، delivered Sunday evening at the Reagan Library in Los Angeles, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the Iranian regime’s human rights violations, colossal plundering of the people’s wealth, exporting terrorism and a recent attempt to bomb an Iranian opposition convention in Paris.
The followings are excerpts from his speech at the Reagan Library.
Just earlier this month an Iranian “diplomat” based in Vienna was arrested and charged with supplying explosives for a terrorist bomb, scheduled to bomb a political rally in France. This tells you everything you need to know about the regime.
The regime and its allies in terror have left a trail of dissident blood across Europe and the Middle East. Indeed, our European allies are not immune to the threat of the regime by terrorism.
 At the same time they’re trying to convince Europe to stay in the nuclear deal, they are covertly plotting terrorist attacks in the heart of Europe.
The level of corruption and wealth among regime leaders shows that Iran is run by something that resembles the mafia more than a government.
We are asking every nation who is sick and tired of the Islamic Republic's destructive behavior to join our pressure campaign. This especially goes for our allies in the Middle East and Europe, people who have themselves been terrorized by the violent regime's activity for decades. 
40 years of fruit from Iran’s Islamic Revolution has been bitter. 40 years of kleptocracy. 40 years of the people’s wealth squandered on terrorism. 40 years of Iranians jailed for expressing their rights.
Despite the regime’s clear record of aggression, America and other countries have spent years straining to identify a political moderate; it’s like an Iranian unicorn!
The regime’s revolutionary goals and willingness to commit violent acts haven’t produced anyone to lead Iran that can be remotely called a moderate, or a statesman.
Some believe that President Rouhani and foreign minister Zarif are moderates. The truth is, they are merely polished front men for the Ayatollah’s international con-artistry. Their nuclear deal didn’t make them moderates, it made them wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The regime cannot endure any ideas in society that would contradict or undermine them. That is why the regime has for decades heartlessly repressed its own people’s human rights, dignity, and fundamental freedoms.
Since December Iranians have been taking to the streets in the most enduring and forceful protests since 1979. Some shout the slogan “the people are impoverished while the Mullahs live like Gods!” while others choose to shut down the Grand Bazaar in Tehran.
The specific grievances do differ but all those voicing dissatisfaction share one thing; they have been ill-treated by a revolutionary regime. Iranians want to be governed with dignity, accountability and respect
Last January the regime welcomed the New Year with the arrest of 5000 of its own people; they were peacefully calling for a better life. Hundreds reportedly remain behind bars and several are dead at the hands of its own government; the leaders cynically call it suicide.

U.S. President responds to hollow threats by Iranian regime

US President Donald Trump

On Sunday, Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Iranian regime, threatened U.S. during an address to the regime’s diplomats, stating that Americans “must understand that war with Iran is the mother of all wars.” He also directly warned U.S. President Donald Trump, saying "do not play with the lion's tail, because you will regret it eternally."
In response, Trump warned Rouhani’s to never threaten the United States again in an all-caps tweet, declaring "you will suffer consequences the likes of which few have ever suffered before." Trump also reminded Rouhani that the U.S. will no longer “stand for your demented words of violence & death,” a reference to the policies of his predecessor Barack Obama, who was inclined to give concessions to the Iranian regime and disregard its nefarious activities.
In May, Trump declared that the U.S. would be exiting from the flawed nuclear deal struck between world powers and the Iranian regime, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA). The JCPOA failed to address many of the threats posed by Tehran and was giving too many concessions to a regime that has proved time and again that it poses a real danger to global peace and stability.
The Trump administration subsequently restored sanctions against the Iranian regime for its support of terrorism, its ballistic missile program and its nuclear program. The Iranian regime has made threats such as closing the Hormuz Strait, where a large percentage of the region’s oil exports go through. However, this is a threat that the regime has made before but has failed to deliver on.
The Trump administration recently published a report which showed that despite its attempts to show power, the regime has actually scaled down its violent adventurism in the Gulf waters and in the countries of the region in response to the U.S.’s new policy of firmness toward Tehran.
Ongoing nationwide protests in Iran has made it harder for the regime to sell its foreign agendas at home. Protesters across Iran have been calling off the regime for squandering Iran’s wealth to wage war on the countries of the region, which has further plunged their lives in poverty. While the regime has tried to lay the blame for the country’s economic woes on the U.S., the people of Iran have made it clear that their only enemy is the regime itself by chanting slogans that call for regime change.

۱۳۹۷ مرداد ۱, دوشنبه

Getting to know the Iranian regime’s main opposition

The National council of Resistance of Iran with Maryam Rajavi as the president

 On June 20, 1981, the security forces of the Iranian regime opened fire on a peaceful, 500,000–strong demonstration in Tehran, putting a violent end in a tenuous era of peaceful political activism that had started in February 1979 after popular protests toppled the Shah regime and saw the rise of Ruhollah Khomeini and the mullahs to power. On the morrow of June 20, the regime’s forces would arrest, torture and execute anyone affiliated with opposition groups, especially the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
On July 21, while Khomeini’s regime was fast busy arresting and executing Iranian opposition members by the droves, Massoud Rajavi, the leader of PMOI/MEK, founded the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of all forces that sought freedom and democracy in Iran.
Months later, the headquarters of the NCRI were moved to France to create a political umbrella for the struggle for freedom inside Iran.
At present, 37 years later, the NCRI is the largest and longest standing coalition of Iranian opposition groups against the regime of Tehran and has managed to stand despite countless conspiracies by the Iranian regime and its foreign allies and proponents. Regardless of their station, the members of the NCRI take active part in protests, demonstrations and activities that aim to expose the Iranian regime’s brutality and promote democracy and freedom in Iran.
The members of the NCRI each have an equal voice and vote in the decisions of the Council, regardless of their political and organizational affiliations. The NCRI’s charter states it seeks to topple the Khomeini regime and to establish a transitional government which will represent all faiths, ethnicities and political tendencies. The transitional government’s main goal is to prepare the grounds for a democratic state and will last a maximum of six months, until the country becomes ready for free and fair elections.
During the six-month transitional period, Iran’s new constitutional parliament will take shape and will oversee the elections.
The NCRI is an inclusive coalition, where all walks of life have a voice. More than half of the members of the NCRI are women, a stark contrast to the mullah-ruled Iran, where women are oppressed and under-represented.
The political platform of the NCRI is summarized by the 10-point plan of its president-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, which has garnered support among political figures, religious leaders and rights activists worldwide, because it addresses all the problems that the world and the Iranian people face in respect with the Iranian regime. Following are key highlights of Mrs. Rajavi’s platform:
  • Free and fair elections and popular vote is the only legitimate path to political power.
  • Respect for freedom of expression, media, political affiliation, and assembly, along with unconditional and uncensored access to internet and other sources of information.
  • The abolishment of the death penalty.
  • Separation of church and state: Freedom of religion and the banning of any form of discrimination based on religion.
  • Gender equality: Banning of discrimination against women and the abolishment of laws that undermine women’s rights in marriage, divorce, clothing, education and employment.
  • Modern legal and judiciary structures: The abolishment of the mullahs’ Sharia law and the incorporation of the presumption of innocence, the right to defense and the right to be tried in a public court.
  • Commitment to human rights based on the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights, and its international covenants and conventions.
  • Commitment to a market economy, with equal opportunity for all Iranians.
  • Peaceful coexistence with other countries and an end to the meddling and destabilizing activities of the mullahs’ regime.
  • Commitment to a non-nuclear Iran. Banning of the development of weapons of mass destruction.
Maryam Rajavis 10-point Plan
Maryam Rajavis 10-point Plan

Mike Pompeo condemns Iran regime violation of Human Rights, Terrorism and attempt to bomb an Iranian opposition convention in Paris

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

In his Remarks at supporting Iranian voices at Reagan Library in Los Angeles on Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the violation of human rights in Iran, clausal stealing by the Iranian authorities, exporting terrorism and an attempt to bomb an Iranian opposition gathering in France.
The followings are excerpts from his speech at the Reagan Library.
Just earlier this month an Iranian “diplomat” based in Vienna was arrested and charged with supplying explosives for a terrorist bomb, scheduled to bomb a political rally in France. This tells you everything you need to know about the regime.
The regime and its allies in terror have left a trail of dissident blood across Europe and the Middle East. Indeed, our European allies are not immune to the threat of the regime by terrorism.
 At the same time they’re trying to convince Europe to stay in the nuclear deal, they are covertly plotting terrorist attacks in the heart of Europe.
The level of corruption and wealth among regime leaders shows that Iran is run by something that resembles the mafia more than a government.
We are asking every nation who is sick and tired of the Islamic Republic's destructive behavior to join our pressure campaign. This especially goes for our allies in the Middle East and Europe, people who have themselves been terrorized by the violent regime's activity for decades. 
40 years of fruit from Iran’s Islamic Revolution has been bitter. 40 years of kleptocracy. 40 years of the people’s wealth squandered on terrorism. 40 years of Iranians jailed for expressing their rights.
Despite the regime’s clear record of aggression, America and other countries have spent years straining to identify a political moderate; it’s like an Iranian unicorn!
The regime’s revolutionary goals and willingness to commit violent acts haven’t produced anyone to lead Iran that can be remotely called a moderate, or a statesman.
Some believe that President Rouhani and foreign minister Zarif are moderates. The truth is, they are merely polished front men for the Ayatollah’s international con-artistry. Their nuclear deal didn’t make them moderates, it made them wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The regime cannot endure any ideas in society that would contradict or undermine them. That is why the regime has for decades heartlessly repressed its own people’s human rights, dignity, and fundamental freedoms.
Since December Iranians have been taking to the streets in the most enduring and forceful protests since 1979. Some shout the slogan “the people are impoverished while the Mullahs live like Gods!” while others choose to shut down the Grand Bazaar in Tehran.
The specific grievances do differ but all those voicing dissatisfaction share one thing; they have been ill-treated by a revolutionary regime. Iranians want to be governed with dignity, accountability and respect
Last January the regime welcomed the New Year with the arrest of 5000 of its own people; they were peacefully calling for a better life. Hundreds reportedly remain behind bars and several are dead at the hands of its own government; the leaders cynically call it suicide.

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۳۰, شنبه

Iranian regime’s escaping forward and measures following the defeat of the terrorist plot

Iranian Diplomat held in Germany for Bomb Plot

Following the Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris and the failure of the mullahs' terrorist plot and the arrest of regime’s agents, including a terrorist diplomat, the regime’s Supreme National Security Council held a meeting upon Khamenei’s order and commissioned the relevant bodies such as the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Quds Force, the Revolutionary Guards intelligence, and the state-run media to work to minimize the consequences of this big scandal.
  1. The government apparatuses and authorities were obliged to pin the blame on the PMOI to cover this scandal. This is a well-known trick of escaping forward by which they attempt to portrait the arrest of the terrorists in Belgium and France and the arrest of a terrorist diplomat in Germany as a stage-setting to frame the regime on the verge of Rouhani’s visit to Europe, claiming that the PMOI had trapped that terrorist diplomat.
Following the release of the statement by Belgium Prosecutor and Federal Security Agency, the regime’s foreign minister said: "Just at the time the president's visit to Europe begins, an Iranian operation is disclosed and its “perpetrators” are arrested." He added that he is ready to cooperate with relevant authorities to clarify what is “just a deceptive operation to give a false address."
  1. Mohsen Rezai, the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the secretary of the regime’s Expediency Council, in order to implement the same directive, made a cock and bull story to promote the two arrested terrorists in Belgium to high-ranking members of the PMOI. He wrote shamelessly that the two "contacted the diplomat and talked about their readiness to cooperate with Iran ..." and that's why "these two people met with our diplomat in a place where a package was exchanged which was recorded by closed-circuit cameras or by the Monafeqin [the term used of the PMOI by the regime]”. “These two members of the Monafeqin made themselves subject to the arrest, and confessed to such a plot led by the Iranian diplomat," said the former stupid commander of IRGC.
  2. The regime’s scenario, which was revealed by the Belgian authorities, clarifies further absurd comments fabricated by the mullahs’ Supreme Security Council. A Belgian police official said: "In Luxembourg, there was a meeting that was under control, and all together (security services from different countries) quickly worked to discover the bomb and arrest Assadi. The regime seems to have hoped that the bombing would be seen as a PMOI’s internal issue, which was a theory that could have been credible, but when we arrested their people during the act, the situation changed. "( BuzzFeed website- July 11, 2018)
  3. At the same time, the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned some in Europe and the US who support the regime, including those interested in appeasing the regime, to pretend as if some elements in the regime arbitrarily planned for this terrorist crime. Daniel Benjamin, the counterterrorism coordinator at the US Department of State in Obama's administration, who exhausted all his efforts and up to the last minute to prevent implementation of the court’s verdict to delist the PMOI, and whose hysteric hostility towards the PMOI has clear motives, said in this regard that he  can't eliminate the possibility that this could be a rogue operation planned by Iranian security services — or by radical elements within the Iranian security services — aimed at embarrassing the Rouhani government and perhaps even putting them in charge of an embattled Iran.
  4. Extraterritorial units of the Quds Force and the Ministry of Intelligence stations outside the country were once again required to focus on the use and recruitment of indigenous elements in Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo in order to implement terrorist plans against the PMOI in Albania through them. The radio and TV overseas directorate of the mullahs was also obliged to prepare fake films and reports against the PMOI in these countries in order to set the stage for criminal acts.
  5. The IRGC was mandated to expand the scope of its intelligence and espionage activities for obtaining information from within the PMOI.
National Council of Resistance of Iran
Security and Counterterrorism Committee

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۷, چهارشنبه

PMOI/MEK networks inside Iran becoming more active

PMOI/MEK network of members & supporters active inside Iran

 As concerns among Iranian regime officials grow over the activities of the PMOI/MEK network inside Iran, these members and supporters are expanding their efforts.


One member of PMOI/MEK team in the country’s capital writes: “After watching the recent Iran opposition convention in Paris, being a major show of force, I rise to the call from [NCRI President Maryam] Rajavi and I’m ready to establish more PMOI/MEK network teams in every city. To [Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei, I saw that we won this round, too. Here I announce the foundation of the PMOI/MEK network team #357. Hoping for the final victory. Tehran, July 2018.”

Another PMOI/MEK network member in Tehran put up a poster of Maryam Rajavi and sent a message saying: “Death to Khamenei, hail to Rajavi, July 2018”
“Our alternative is the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Death to Khamenei, hail to the National Liberation Army and all members & supporters of the PMOI/MEK inside Iran.”
Another member raised a poster and said, “Our alternative for the mullahs’ regime is none other than the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Death to Khamenei.”
Other PMOI/MEK network members were seen writing graffiti on walls across Tehran in support of this resistance movement. This campaign has authorities very concerned.
“Death to the mullahs’ principle, hail to the PMOI, hail to Maryam Rajavi,” the graffiti wrote.
Another poster put up by these members reads:
“Every second with the uprising, this regime will definitely be overthrown, Iran will be free, uprising with PMOI/MEK network members, uprising until overthrow”

Rasht, northern Iran

“PMOI/MEK network members are leading the uprising for the regime’s overthrow. We in Rasht declare our readiness and will bring Maryam Rajavi to Rasht as soon as possible,” one PMOI/MEK network member said.
They also put various tracts across the city with images and quotes of Maryam Rajavi.

Shiraz, Miyaneh, and Semnan

“Regime overthrow is definite” was another slogan seen written in graffiti by PMOI/MEK network members in other cities.
Other slogans, seen in Shiraz, include:
“Iran will be free,” quoting Mrs. Rajavi’s speech at the recent Free Iran 2018 rally in Paris.

A tract in Semnan reads:
“Overthrowing this regime & establishing a free Iran is our task, the people – To overthrow the mullahs’ regime, one needs to have networks and a liberation army.”


PMOI/MEK network members were seen putting up posters of Maryam Rajavi in numerous parts of this city.