۱۳۹۷ مهر ۲۷, جمعه

The Resistance Units, Refracting A Strong Continuation Into A Rainbow Of Iranian Protests

The resistance units, refracting a strong continuation into a rainbow of Iranian protests

Resistance units lead the uprisings bravely in every street and village in occupied Iran.
These units have imposed an uncontrolled condition on the regime on one hand, and on the other hand, they themselves have become the point of hope and motivation for the Iranian people against the mullahs’ regime; they will guide the society towards the revolution and the regime’s overthrow.
As the resistance units were introduced to the Iranian society, since Dec. 28, 2017, the condensed crises within the society entered a new stage. Social protests across the country increased and the Iranian people became fearless in expressing their demands this in turn has resulted in radicalized position taking of foreign governments towards the mullahs’ regime.
These activities, especially after the last December’s uprising, show that society has reached the conclusion that the real solution is presented by the powerful resistance of the Iranian people; “regime change”.
Resistance units also intensify their activities pari passu the strikes and protests.
Below are some examples of Resistance units’ activities in different cities in October:

Resistance units’ activity in Gilan (northern Iran)

Setting Khamenei’s poster alight
Putting up Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s poster and message

Another Resistance unit activity in Tehran
Writing anti-regime slogans on the walls
Putting up posters in commemoration of the martyrs of Sep. 27, 1981; the day that the slogan of death to Khomeini echoed in Tehran for the first time.

Resistance units’ activities in various cities: Shiraz, Isfahan, Zanjan
Setting Khamenei’s poster alight
Writing anti-regime slogans on the walls
Putting up Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s poster and message at the universities

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s message on the occasion of the new academic year.
In her message, Mrs. Rajavi addressed the youths as: “Turn every school and college into a resistance unit and every Iranian city into a risen and revolting city.”

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