۱۳۹۷ مهر ۱۸, چهارشنبه

How Iran opposition PMOI/MEK “Resistance Units” pave the path

Iran Resistance units, the essential part of the new revolution

As we are on the brink of a new revolution in Iran and the toppling of the mullahs’ regime is now more definite and imminent than ever before, it is important to know how we have reached where we are and that events up to this point have not been mere coincidences.
The mullahs’ regime has a major crisis in the just and democratic opposition movement. An entity that has been paying the price of its struggle for nearly four decades, standing firm on their objectives and principles, defying all odds before execution squads and the gallows, in the face of torturers and hundreds of prisons checkered across Iran.
We can now be certain in saying the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the organized Iranian Resistance movement are realizing the overthrow of this regime.
While many now claim to oppose this regime, the PMOI/MEK understand the importance of the status more than any other party, planning and directing today’s circumstances towards a true revolution.
Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi based his strategy on “resistance units” inside Iran, with the objective of establishing units inside the society and forming a bond between the files of this revolution with the ranks seen in the central core of this movement, being the PMOI/MEK.
Although this strategy was blueprinted years ago, as crises inside Iran escalate and the regime is witnessing more rifts inside its apparatus, along with the ongoing uprising continuing to this day since the Dec/Jan revolt, the “resistance units” strategy has implemented its impact across the board. They have now become the target of a demonizing campaign by elements of this regime inside Iran and abroad.
From the Iranian regime’s state-controlled media and remarks heard from numerous regime officials, we can easily conclude that the resistance units have transformed into a major concern for the mullahs’ apparatus. The mullahs’ own media outlets even go the distance by emphasizing the role of other so-called opposition movements to thus decrease the importance and credibility of the Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the PMOI/MEK as the core member of this opposition movement.
However, considering the powder keg circumstances of Iran’s society, the PMOI/MEK, having an organized structure, has been able to impact the on-the-ground events. One must admit that the resistance units are the most important force of the Iranian people’s revolution, and they are playing their historical role in various methods.
In all revolutions we have witnessed how the ruling regime’s resort to utter crackdown and threats. Although all such examples have led to the regime’s overthrow through a massive and revolutionary movement, all regime’s consider themselves to be an exemption.
The mullahs’ in Iran have constantly resorted to terrorism, executions, torture and crackdown. In the current circumstances, the Iranian regime has increased such measures through utter crackdown and describing the force behind this movement of change as “terrorists.”
In such a period, if popular protests are organized and directed by an organized resistance force, the regime’s escalation of crackdown measures will not only fail to delay the upcoming revolution, they will actually further radicalize the society and lead to an even faster toppling of its entire apparatus.
As a result, resistance units play a very important role in this day and age in breaking the heavy atmosphere of crackdown. This is realized through directing and organizing the revolution at critical junctures.
With conditions inside Iran and abroad changing dramatically, the PMOI/MEMK implemented its new strategy of launching resistance units. Numerous teams, forming a huge network, are now in direct contact with the Iranian society.
By organizing and leading the Iranian uprising in an effective manner, resistance units are injecting new life in the society and protesters on the streets.

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