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Iran: People from all walks of life voicing support for truckers’ nationwide strike

Iran – Fars Province – Truckers on strike (File Photo)

Iran, September 30, 2018 - On the second week of the nationwide strike that has spread to over 250 cities in all of the country’s 31 provinces, people from various branches of society are expressing their support for the truckers’ continuing protests.

Statement by a group of bazaar merchants in Tehran
Statement by a group of bazaar merchants in Tehran

A group of bazaar merchants in Tehran issued a statement backing the truck drivers’ protests and ongoing strike.
“Unfortunately, the mullahs’ regime has brought the country’s economy so such a state of bankruptcy (embezzlement – theft – plundering – oppression of defenseless who hate this regime) that the state is truly becoming paralyzed. Proof is seen in the daily increasing prices of basic goods and essentials… We support your nationwide strike in a comprehensive manner.
“Hail to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) - Death to Khamenei”

Kermanshah Bazaar merchants express solidarity with truck drives strike
Kermanshah Bazaar merchants express solidarity with truck drives strike

Bazaar merchants in Kermanshah also voiced their support for the protesting truckers.
“At a time when this reactionary regime is determined to push the country into utter destruction, it is the duty any and all patriotic Iranians to support and back this protest and strike… We consider it our duty to sacrifice ourselves in the path for freedom… We are steadfast on our demands, seeking freedom and the complete destructions of this bloodthirsty regime.”

Bushehr University
Bushehr University
Bushehr University students in southern Iran issued a statement saying, “These strikes are not only our classroom for a new revolution, but also a very effective and necessary weapon… The truckers’ strike results in the regime becoming paralyzed and tensions are spreading throughout their entire apparatus. The role of strikes in revolutions throughout the world’s history is undeniable. Therefore, we call on all the Iranian people to join the truckers’ strike and we call on the PMOI/MEK to also support this strike and back us in the struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.”

Unemployed youths in Khuzestan Province issued a call asking all Iranians to join this strikeand pursue broader objectives, and emphasizing on the necessity to broaden and organize this protest movement against the mullahs’ regime.
“We call on the Iranian people to refer to texts published by the PMOI/MEK on how to resolve the problems we face in organizing our protests and understanding the importance of having a strategy regarding the ongoing strikes. We call on the PMOI/MEK to support us in this movement launched by the Iranian people.”

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Saturday marks the seventh consecutive day truck drivers across Iran have been on strike, reaching nearly 250 cities across all of the country’s 31 provinces.

Truckers in the cities of Tabriz, Bukan, Isfahan, Zarrinshahr, Tehran, Firouzkuh, Eslamshahr, Mashhad, Shahr-e Kord, Qazvin, Sirjan, Golgohar, Rasht, Khorramabad, Borujerd, Neka, Mahallat, Bandar Abbas, Hamedan, Assad Abad, Maybad, Yazd and Ardokan were scenes of continued strikes parallel to dozens of other cities.

Iranian regime officials, authorities and elements and various cities have ridiculously and desperately resorted to issue threats and making bogus offers. However, the drivers are quite aware of this regime’s nature and deceptiveness, continuing their strike despite these devious measures.

Reports indicate authorities have arrested over 70 truck drivers in the provinces of Qazvin, Fars, Isfahan and also the town of Pakdasht, located southeast of Tehran.
Some numbers show more than 80 drivers were arrested.
15 of the striking truck drivers were arrested on Thursday, the fifth day of truck drivers’ nationwide strike which has spread to over 220 cities across Iran, according to Ismaeel Sadeghi Niaraki, the regime’s prosecutor in Qazvin Province (northwest Iran). These drivers “blocked roads with their trucks and disrupted commuting inroads inside the province,” he claimed.

“Action has been taken against any individual who disrupts people’s lives and we will not allow people seeking their own interests to block roads and prevent general commuting, disrupting people’s lives,” he said in his threats during an interview with the state-run Mehr news agency, known to be affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).
“Individuals who disrupt people’s lives by blocking truck commuting in our roads and damage people’s lives will be facing firm action,” this official of the mullahs’ so-called judiciary said.

Truckers expanding the nationwide strike
The hardworking truck drivers of Iran continued their strike for the fifth consecutive day.
On Wednesday the truckers of Rafsanjan and Shahr-e Parandak (Markazi Province) also joined the massive strike spreading throughout the country.
Reports indicate people from other walks of life are also joining this ever-growing protest movement.
On Thursday, bus drivers in Dezful, southwest Iran, declared their solidarity with the truck drivers and went on strike.
On Wednesday, vehicles transferring fruits from nearby towns to the city of Zahedan, the provincial capital of Sistan & Baluchistan Province in southeast Iran, emptied their loads in the city’s Sarallah Boulevard and joined this strike.
Bus passenger companies such as Iran Peyma, Hamsafar, TBT and Royal Safar in Ahvaz, Abadan, Khorramshahr, Mahshahr, Izzeh and other cities of Khuzestan Province closed their ticket selling offices and branches in solidarity with the truck drivers’ protests.
A number of transportation companies have also closed down in solidarity with the truckers’ nationwide strike.
Truck drivers in the city of Sirjan blocked a road on drivers who loaded goods despite the strike spreading throughout the country.
In Zahedan, fruit trucks emptied their loads in the city’s Sarallah Boulevard and joined this strike. They have also announced their support for the truck drivers.
A group of shop owners in Tehran-bazaar issued a statement in support of the truck drivers’ strike.

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