۱۳۹۷ مهر ۳۰, دوشنبه


INU- It is hard to believe now, but until 2002 the Iranian Regime’s malign nuclear weapons programme remained a secret to the rest of the world and, if not for the brave work of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), we might never have known until it was too late.
The MEK provided concrete evidence about the Regime’s nuclear programme, including a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak, to the NCRI, which spurred a press conference that garnered worldwide attention.
The MEK’s revelations led to an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who brought the Iranian Regime's nuclear file before the United Nations’ Security Council for punitive sanctions.
Of course, this wasn't the first time that the MEK and the NCRI had revealed information about the Iranian Regime’s nuclear weapons programme – they did so all the way back in 1991 – but this is the first time that anyone acted upon this information.
Since 2002, the MEK has provided much more information about the Iranian Regime’s covert nuclear weapons programme and the key personnel involved in the malign work. This has led to dozens of press conferences in Western capitals. Here are just some of the things that the MEK have helped to expose over the years:
• 2003: information about an enrichment project taking place at the Lashgar-Abad site near Karaj
• 2004: details about a laser enrichment project, also at the Lashgar-Abad site
• 2004: the existence of a nuclear facility at Lavizan (called Lavizan II) and enrichment-related activity at the Parchin site
• 2008: news of a command and development centre for nuclear weapons at the Mojdeh site – this included various components, including laser enrichment
• 2010: details of a nuclear enrichment site at Abyek
• 2012: secret details of the role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ Corps (IRGC) in the Iranian Regime's nuclear weapons projects
There has been much more information shared by the MEK since then about the Iranian Regime’s nuclear weapons programme and we can expect much more in the future, for as long as the Iranian Regime is in existence, they will be trying to obtain nuclear weapons, and the MEK will be there to expose them.
The MEK, like most Iranians, don’t want nuclear weapons in their country. Instead, they follow that 10-point plan for a Free Iran laid out by Maryam Rajavi, leader of the Iranian Resistance, which includes a commitment to a non-nuclear Iran.
It reads: "We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction."
But why are the MEK and the Iranian people so opposed to the idea of nuclear weapons? Well, aside from their belief in peaceful coexistence with their neighbours, the MEK and the Iranian people resent that the Regime is spending billions of dollars every year on the development of nuclear weapons (and other weapons of mass destruction) while the Iranian people live in poverty.

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