۱۳۹۷ تیر ۷, پنجشنبه

Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi hails protesters in Tehran & across the country

Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi

 As protests and strikes expand across the country and Iran’s regime has increasing concerns, Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi issued a message on June 26 aired on INTV hailing the brave protesters in Tehran and other cities.
“The liberation war in Tehran has escalated. The fire has reached the capital and will never be put out,” he said.
“Overthrow and regime change have been the Iranian Resistance’s sole guidelines and policy from June 20th, 1981, to this day… We have said and repeat today that overthrowing and regime change is our duty and task, and on the shoulders of us, our people and our nation’s revolutionary vanguard… with revolting cities and teams…”
Massoud Rajavi reiterated four decades of struggling for freedom, equality and independence from 1979 to this day and said: “38 years ago the branches of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were closed in different cities of Iran by [Iranian regime founder] Khomeini. Today, however, the PMOI/MEK’s offices have reopened everywhere under the framework of revolting teams, visible in all streets and alleys…”

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۶, چهارشنبه

Live Update: Tehran Grand Bazaar strike/demonstration continues for the 4th day

Tehran Grand Bazaar strike

 Tehran, #Iran 4th consecutive day of strikes in the Grand Bazaar Store-owners & people are demonstrating at Soltani bazarar.
Images of the Grand Bazaar, Gold retailers & Chahar Soug shopping center. Store-owners have not opened and are continuing their widespread strike.

Most shops stay closed
Most shops stay closed

Shops at the Tehran Bazaar closed
Shops at the Tehran Bazaar closed

Tehran Grand Bazaar strike cont
Tehran Grand Bazaar strike cont

Tehran malls refuse to open their stors
Tehran malls refuse to open their stor

11:00 local time
Tehran, Iran Brave woman joins the protests and shouts: "Everyone is unemployed"

A brave woman shouts: Everyone is unemployed

10:45 local time
Tehran, Iran - Reports indicate the city's Grand Bazaar, gold retailers, the Chahar Sough shopping center, stores in Lalezar, the Aladdin shopping center and Soltani bazaar are on strike.
10:40 local time
Tehran, Iran 10:40 am local time Stores are closed & Grand Bazaar is on strike.
Reports indicate the city's gold bazaar and the stores in the Chahar Sough section are on strike.
Bazaar shops stay closed to join the strike
Bazaar shops stay closed to join the strike

More shops closed due to strike
More shops closed due to strike

Shops seen closed at this bazaar
Shops seen closed at this bazaar

Stores have refused to open due to strike
Stores have refused to open due to strike

10:00 local time
Tehran, Iran Protesters calling on store-owners to support them. "Proud merchants, support us" "No fear, we're all together"

Shopowners at Soltani Bazaar go on strike

The latest economic protests in Iran prove once against that the people want regime change

Iranian protesters in central Tehran

As protests erupted in Tehran and other cities of Iran on Monday after the rial took another plunge, one thing was evident: The people of Iran are fed up with the regime, and they’ll use every opportunity to make it clear that they want regime change.
The merchants of Tehran went on strike and triggered protests and marches that quickly overtook the city. Within hours, protesters in the streets of Tehran were chanting, “Death to the dictator,” and “Death to Khamenei,” the supreme leader of the Iranian regime.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), saluted the brave marketers for their uprising and emphasized that, “The exchange crisis and unprecedented high prices, which has imposed a burdensome pressure on the overwhelming majority of the people of Iran, is the outcome of the policies of the ruling religious fascism.”
The slogans of Iranian protesters reflect Mrs. Rajavi’s remarks. “Leave Syria, think about us,” the protesters chanted, challenging the Iranian regime’s plundering the country’s wealth on propping up the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The regime also continues to spend billions of dollars on its ventures in other countries, as well as its ballistic missiles and nuclear program. Tehran also earmarks huge sums for its security and repressive forces, which it unleashes on protesters when they rise up to reclaim their rights.
With every new chapter in the ongoing protests that started at the turn of the year, the Iranian people are becoming bolder in their confrontations with the Iranian regime. In yesterday’s protests, the people chanted, “Beware the day we pick up arms,” threatening to exact revenge on the repressive forces of the regime which have been cracking down on protesters for four decades.
Since yesterday, the regime has ramped up its repressive measures. On Tuesday, security forces sabotaged and destroyed the belongings of the people to later blame it on protesters and turn the people against each other. They have also attacked the protesters in different parts of the city. But the Iranian people, relentless in their protests, are determined to retake their right to freedom.
The Iranian opposition will hold a grand rally on Saturday in solidarity with the uprising of the Iranian people and in support of regime change in Iran. Called Iran Freedom, this is the largest gathering of the Iranian diaspora, held every year in Paris, France. The event will host many political figures, religious leaders and other prominent personalities who will voice their support for the plight of the Iranian people and the Iranian opposition.

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۴, دوشنبه

PMOI/MEK network inside Iran supports upcoming Iranian opposition convention

Free Iran, 1000 Ashrafs

Iran, June 24, 2018 - Only six days remain to the Iranian opposition convention scheduled for June 30th in Paris this year. Following the Dec/Jan nationwide uprising that saw protests in over 140 cities, Iran’s protesting public is continuing to state their demands for regime change throughout the country.
Members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) network inside Iran are risking their very lives to spread leaflets, put up posters and write slogans in graffiti to express their support for the upcoming Iranian opposition convention.
This rally is yet another sign of a democratic and organized opposition movement ready to overthrow the mullahs’ regime in its entirety and establish freedom in Iran.

Isfahan, centeral Iran
During traffic hours, PMOI/MEK network members were seen putting up posters of the Iranian opposition convention and those of Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
A brave member of MEK rebellion hub in Isfahan, central Iran, puts up a poster of Maryam Rajavi and grand Iranian convention in Paris

Semnan, Northeastern Iran
PMOI/MEK network members put up “Free Iran” posters to voice their support for the upcoming convention in Paris.
Semnan: MEK rebellion hub-214 engages in distributing posters

Khorramabad and Urmia
PMOI/MEK network members in this city sent footage of their colleagues putting up “Free Iran” posters.
Member of MEK rebellion bubs in Khorramabad and Urmia distribute posters in support of Grand Iranian Rally in Paris

Nafaf Abad, central Iran
“Free Iran” leaflets in support of the Iranian opposition convention was seen distributed by PMOI/MEK network members in this city.
Members of MEK rebellion bub in the city of Najaf-Abad distributes color posters in support of Grand Iranian Rally in Paris

Qom, north-central Iran
PMOI/MEK network members distributed posters and leaflets supporting the Iranian opposition convention in Paris and containing quotes of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi.
Members of rebellion hubs in the city of Qom distribute posters in support of MEK

Busheher, southern Iran
Graffiti writing in support of the Iranian opposition convention was the scene witnessed from PMOI/MEK network members in this city.
Members of MEK rebellion hubs in the city of Bushehr involve in writing graffiti on the walls

Tehran, the capital
PMOI/MEK network members in the capital were seen distributing leaflets and expressing support for NCRI President Maryam Rajavi, democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi, and the ongoing protests across the country.
Tehran: Members of MEK rebellion hub no. 1000 engage in distributing leaflets

Tehran: Distributing leaflets in support of Grand Iranian Gathering in Paris

Aria-Shahr, Tehran: MEK rebellion hub member distributes Free Iran posters

Saqqez, western Iran
“Uprising To Victory” leaflets were distributed by PMOI/MEK network members to voice their support for the upcoming Iranian opposition convention.
Saqqez member of MEK rebellion hub distributes posters

Rasht, Lahijan and Langrud, north of Iran
PMOI/MEK network members in these cities were seen distributing leaflets with various slogans, including “Free Iran,” showing their support for the Paris rally.
Members of rebellion hubs in Rasht, Lahijan and Langrud distribute posters in support of Grand Iranian Rally in Paris

Sari, north of Iran
One member of a local PMOI/MEK network team distributed leaflets containing a message to those participating in the Iranian opposition convention: “Dear compatriots, we PMOI/MEK supporters from northern Iran are certain Iran will be free with Maryam Rajavi and the PMOI/MEK network inside the country. Death to the mullahs’ principle – Hail to Rajavi.”
Member of rebellion hub in the northern city of Sari distributes Free Iran posters

Visit this website for more information about the upcoming Iranian opposition convention.

Iran opposition movement provides the needed solution

Iranians opposition supporters inside Iran supporting Free Iran convention

 As protests continue to spread across Iran, there is no longer the hoax of any part of this country’s social fabric supporting the clerical regime. In fact, the ruling theocracy is up against the most serious domestic threat since the early days of 1979 the revolution, as explained by Ken Blackwell, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council, in a recent piece published in the Townhall.
The movement providing force and necessary guidance, as indicated by senior Iranian regime officials, has been the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) led by Maryam Rajavi. This is a coalition with the core group being the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and Rajavi issued a call-to-action to Iran’s protesters back in March. As a result, we are witnessing the public rise in response.
“Rajavi has articulated a ten-point plan describing the framework of this system, complete with free and fair elections, secular governance, safeguards on the rights of women and minorities, and a commitment to peaceful relations with Iran’s neighbors,” Blackwell explains.
Since January numerous cities throughout Iran are witnessing anti-regime protests of significant scope, including the scenes witnessed in Kazerun, southern Iran, and tens of thousands of truck drivers going on strike in hundreds of cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces. Of course, authorities are also going the distance to crackdown these movements.
Iran’s protest movements have shown their resolve to continue their efforts, especially amongst PMOI/MEK members and supporters. Back in the summer of 1988 over 30,000 political prisoners were executed by the Iranian regime, of which an overwhelming majority were associated with the PMOI/MEK. All the while this movement continues to gain strength and grow in size. Add to this the PMOI/MEK’s network inside the regime’s ranks and files that has provided this movement invaluable intelligence to blow the whistle on this regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons drive, ballistic missile program, support for terrorism across the Middle East and domestic crackdown.
Speaking of roots, the NCRI is able to show its social base, especially through a convention held each year by the Iranian Diaspora in Paris, putting on a display of this movement’s support among the Iranian people, and politicians and lawmakers from across the globe.
“With that plan as a framework, the NCRI has established a leadership structure that is ready to step in to replace the clerical regime and unify the population behind the most longstanding advocates for its collective dream of democracy and civic freedom. Such unity is the most important component to a peaceful transition of power, and the NCRI brings unity not only to the domestic population but also to all international policymakers who believe in Iran’s democratic future.
“It should be difficult for anyone to witness that unity at the June 30 rally without concluding that US policy toward Iran is on the right course. This escalating assertiveness ought to be understood as adding the Iranian people’s hope for a domestically-driven change of government. And the rest of the Western world should adopt a similar posture for that same reason,” Blackwell concludes.
Visit this website for more information about the Iranian opposition convention.

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲, شنبه

UN advisory orgs issue statement on Iran’s 1988 massacre

Human Rights Council - Joint Statement by 3 Human Rights Organization - 1988 Massacre

 As the 38th annual United Nations Human Rights Council session begins in Geneva, and on the verge of the 30th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in Iran based on the criminal order issued by Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini, three UN advisor organizations issued a statement officially recognizing this atrocity and calling for an international probe to place those responsible before justice.
France Liberte, the Movement Against Racism and For Friendship Amongst Nations (MRAP) and the International Women’s Human Rights Association issued their letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad Al Hussein.
“The human rights situation in Iran continues to deteriorate. The Iranian regime responded to May’s peaceful demonstration of Kazerun in the south by opening fire, leaving at least four dead and many others injured.
“The crackdown in Kazerun followed the use of similar inhumane methods to target January’s peaceful demonstrations when regime authorities arrested thousands and dozens, including many under torture, were murdered in prison.
“One of the reasons behind the Iranian regime’s appalling elimination of dissidents is the immunity they have enjoyed despite their inhumane crimes, the most important of which being the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988.”
Most of the 1988 massacre victims are members and supporters of the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The text continues:
“The perpetrators of this crime enjoy immunity as we speak and many of them are in key positions in the judiciary or the government. The current Iranian Justice Minister is among them.”
The statement goes on to refer to human rights organizations reports on the Iranian regime’s measures aimed at destroying mass graves sites associated with the 1988 massacre victims in order to cover up this heinous crime.
“This tactic is destroying key evidence that can be used to discover the truth about the scope of the committed crimes, and seek justice and compensation for the victims and their families.
“These sites are under tight security surveillance and this shows judiciary, intelligence, and security entities were involved in the decision-making process of destroying these graves.
“Through the course of 2017 the Justice for the Victims of 1988 Massacre in Iran (JVMI) conducted a separate and extensive probe into this massacre by interviewing the victims’ relatives and eyewitnesses, and analyzing witness reports, images, confessions and remarks of current and former Iranian regime officials who had a role in this mass killing.
“This association has issued two separate reports in 2017 publishing details of 59 mass graves in Iran where it is believed 1988 massacre victims were secretly buried.”
France Liberte, MRAP, and the International Women’s Human Rights Association went on to emphasize in their joint statement: “Now is the time for the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to launch an international investigation into the 1988 massacre and justice to be served for the victims of this crime against humanity.”

EU choosing Iran over the US is illogical, to say the least

European Unoin flags

Following the U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exit from the highly flawed Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the European Union is striving to somehow safeguard the pact. EU’s main objective appears to be further normalizing trade and economic relations with Tehran.
This is already sending influential signs to other global parties, indicating the EU has chosen to side with the Iranian regime and not the U.S., and as a result not the Iranian people. While the Trump administration is reinstalling sanctions against the mullahs’ regime and warns further and more effective measures are in the making, Brussels continues to only take its short-term economic benefits into consideration.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – making significant noise recently with four tweets focusing on the Iranian regime in a mere 36 hours – specifically made it clear that Tehran would come under the “the strongest sanctions in history” if the mullahs refuse to alter their Middle East behavior that is wreaking havoc across the region.
The attempts made by the EU are unprecedented, as the bloc is seen appeasing the mullahs’ demands by succumbing to their economic and political demands. Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is clearly listing new conditions for Tehran to remain loyal to the deal. Needless to say the regime’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi has recently described the JCPOA as being in ICU and hinting the regime will likely be exiting the deal within weeks.
Khamenei has gone as far as demanding Europe to guarantee “Iran’s oil sales will not suffer, Tehran would resume enrichment activities that are currently prohibited.”
Certain is the fact that the EU will be considering the benefits of siding with Iran, while going against Washington’s wishes and being left to face the consequences. It goes without saying that the Green Continent’s relations with the U.S. is of strategic importance.
This political miscalculation by the EU will most definitely render significant setbacks for the bloc as the Trump administration remains steadfast on its firm policy vis-à-vis Iran’s rogue regime.
Unfortunately, what EU leaders are failing to understand is the fact that such a policy of siding with Tehran plays into the hands of Iran’s mullahs, causing a rift between the EU and the U.S.
Instead, the EU should be holding Iran’s mullahs responsible for their human rights violations at home and regional ambitions that has left millions in numerous countries suffering in misery.
Knowing the EU considers its partnership with the U.S. very dire, and the dismal $25 billion annual trade relation with Iran’s regime is nothing in comparison to the $600 billion exports to the US., the outcome is quite palpable.
Obvious is the fact that the EU’s interest lies in siding with the U.S., geopolitically, strategically, militarily and economically speaking.

Iran will be free (2018)

The spring of our freedom is within our reach

Free Iran convention in Paris, June 30, 2018
Through our solidarity, we can have a free country and a prosperous people.
We can have equal rights, with different beliefs and ethnicities living side by side.
We can have a society where religion and state are separate and where compulsory veiling for women is not acceptable.
We shall realize our dreams and ideals.

۱۳۹۷ تیر ۱, جمعه

French elected officials continue backing Iranian opposition convention

French mayors and elected officials supporting Iranian opposition convention

 On the brink of this year’s Iranian opposition convention, scheduled for June 30th in Paris, a new list of French mayors are heard expressing their support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.
Mayor Neli Kerzak – “I have been elected mayor since July 1998, meaning for 20 years. I support those living in Iran, Iranians and especially Iranian women so they can finally enjoy equal rights as men, and little girls can go to school like boys and wear what they wish, worship as they wish, go to school and continue their studies. This is the freedom mentality that we have here in France and I wish to see them enjoy such mentality in their country. I invite my mayor colleagues and other elected officials to participate in the June 30th rally.”
Mayor David Bulval – “I wish for much bravery for the struggle in Iran, for freedom, for democracy, for your organization and all those defending freedom.”
Mayor Martin LeGrand – “It is a great honor to support the movement for freedom in Iran. It is an honor to be informed a petition signed by 14,000 mayors has reached its intended result. I invite all of you to the June 30th convention. I, too, will be freeing my time to participate there. I thank you all and congratulate you for your activities. Thank you.” 
Mayor Mari-Chantal Nouri – “I welcome the Committee in Support of Human Rights in Iran, most of whom are women and I am signing their petition for women’s rights. I wish you the utmost courage. Thank you.” 
Mayor Claude Persan  “I have signed the statement for a free Iran and to support the Iranian people’s struggle.”
Mayors & elected officials of Paris – On the verge of the Iranian opposition convention in Paris, French mayors and elected officials from Pairs and its outskirts are sending messages expressing their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and resistance movement against the mullahs’ dictatorship.
These French elected officials are emphasizing the Iranian people’s uprising and its continuation in cities across the country signal an era of change aiming to establish freedom and democracy in Iran.
The signatories condemn the Iranian regime’s crimes inside the country and terrorist meddling throughout the Middle East, adding the Iranian people deserve to have a democratic government based on separation of church and state.
The signatories also reiterate how 14,000 mayors and elected officials in French support members of the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and their leading role in the struggle against the religious fascism ruling Iran, and emphasized on their support for the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as the democratic alternative for the mullahs’ regime.
See this website for more information about the Iranian opposition convention.

Remnants of monarchy in defense of religious fascism

More than 100,000 people participated at the Grand Iranian Gathering in Paris

Dear editor,
Bloomberg News on June 19, published an interview with Reza Pahlavi, the son of a former Iranian dictator who was overthrown by the Iranian people. By rehashing a number of false accusations against Iran’s democratic opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), he once again demonstrated his hostility towards democracy and popular sovereignty.  Please publish the following rebuttal in Bloomberg News.

Shahin Gobadi
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran
June 20, 2018

Remnants of monarchy in defense of religious fascism

Since the beginning of the twentieth century and the Iranian people’s fight for democracy and national sovereignty, they have been confronted by two separate dictatorships: Monarchy and theocracy. In spite of all their contradictions, these two currents are united on one point: hostility to democracy and the brutal crackdown on its advocates. Democracy means the end of dictatorship in any form.
In 1953, the Shah, with the help of a coup by the CIA and the UK’s Intelligence Service, overthrew the only democratic government in Iran’s history, which was led by Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. The Shah then ruled Iran by terror and suppression for 25 years.
Khomeini’s predecessor, mullah Kashani, was the most important internal factor in the coup and the crackdown on democracy advocates. In 1908, two years after the Constitutional Revolution, when the Qajar King, with the help of the Tsarist Party of Russia, shot down the Majlis (National Assembly), the internal support of the reactionary mullahs was led by Sheikh Fazlullah Nuri. These two mullahs were mentors to Khomeini and his regime and they were honored and praised by him on numerous occasions.
The shah was booted out of Iran as millions of Iranians chanted “Death to the Shah”. Now, 65 years later, his son has sought to compensate the mullahs for what they did for his father.
 As the nationwide uprising at the beginning of 2018 has made the overthrow of the mullahs tangible and imminent, Reza Pahlavi claims that “If the choice is between this regime and the MEK, they will mostly likely say the mullahs.” (Bloomberg News Agency June 19). 
The MEK, which was established in 1965, is the principal Iranian opposition movement.
This claim that the Iranian people would choose the mullahs regime, the world’s record holder of execution per capita, and the main sponsor of terrorism, is similar to the claims made by those who led the coup. They and their clerical supporters used to say that the people had overthrown Mossadegh and brought the Shah back to power. Now the roles of the monarchists and the clerics have been reversed. The mullahs are in power and the remnants of Shah’s court act as their facilitators.
Reza Pahlavi does not represent anyone other than himself and his only credibility is being the offspring of a dictator. His claim only adds to the Iranian people’s loathing for the remnants of the Shah’s regime. Thousands of political prisoners who bear the scars of horrific torture by the Shah’s secret police are still alive, as are the mothers of many of those executed by Shah.
Pahlavi’s silly comments reflect the remarks made by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on January 9, at the height of the uprising, when he said that MEK is the main organizer of the uprising. A week earlier, the regime’s President Hassan Rouhani had called his French counterpart to say that the uprising was under the control of the MEK and to unsuccessfully urge the French government to restrict members of the organization in France.
The source of Pahlavi’s grudge against the MEK’s women and their free and voluntary choice in wearing veil can be found in a confession made by Sanaei Rad, the deputy commander of the IRGC, in which he said the MEK’s women were the main organizers of the uprising in many cities.
In the course of the past 53 years, the regimes of the Shah and the ayatollahs have claimed time and again that the MEK was destroyed and that it was devoid of any popular appeal and support. But the MEK has survived solely based on massive popular support from various strata of Iranian society, and it has grown in the face of violent repression and continuous plots including the execution of more than 100,000 of its activists. Even the regime’s most senior officials acknowledge that the MEK is their main challenge.
The MEK is the integral part of the coalition of Iranian democratic opposition movements known as the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Both organizations have consistently sought peace as an honorable and patriotic duty. This has been the case ever since Iraq withdrew from Iranian territory in 1982, leaving Khomeini as the belligerent party who continued the carnage on the basis of the slogan, “Conquering Jerusalem via Karbala”.
As a result of this war, more than one million Iranian youths were killed. The NCRI peace plan that was introduced in March 1983 declared “the 1975 agreement signed in Algeria and the land and water borders established in that agreement as the basis for a fair and lasting peace,” and referred the issue of “determining war reparations” and “the ways that Iran had to be compensated” to the “International Tribunal in The Hague.” This plan was endorsed by 6,000 government figures, parliamentarians and political leaders from throughout the world and was officially welcomed by the government of Iraq, which declared it “an acceptable basis for initiating peace talks.”
This plan clearly reflected Iran’s national interest. But Khomeini’s intransigence led the situation to a point where even today, 15 years after the mullahs’ agents took political control of Iraq, the Iranian regime has not been able to sign a similar peace agreement with the current Iraqi government.
The Iranian Resistance’s domestic and international peace campaign was the key indigenous factor that led to Khomeini conceding to the cease-fire and halting deployment of Iranian teenagers to run across minefields. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of more young Iranians would have perished. While operating in Iraq, the MEK publicly declared its total financial, political and military independence from the Iraqi government. It adhered to this principle until September 9, 2016, the last day of its presence in Iraq.
More than 15 years after the overthrow of the former Iraqi government and at a time when the Iranian regime controls all the documents and archives of the former government, there exists not even a single document that refutes this reality.