۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۲۷, یکشنبه

Why should the world stand against Iran’s regime?

The international community must stand against the Evil regime of Iran

The most documented and truthful judgements of a state are those made by individuals inside the regimes.
The heir to Iranian regime founder Khomeini, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, said in the early years of Iran’s 1979 revolution: “I am willing to go to the gates of hell with Khomeini, yet I’m not willing to enter.”
There are many leaders like Khomeini who enjoy such enormous popularity – six million people with the utmost hope went to welcome Khomeini’s entrance into Iran – and yet few become one of the world’s most abhorred leaders in just a few years. Traditional dictators take decades to go down such a path.
Many in Iran viewed Khomeini as a father for the entire nation, only to see him show his wrath to and launch a devastating reign of terror.
It was the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that stood against Khomeini to defend the 1979 revolution’s achievements.
Khomeini made startling remarks in a speech on February 3rd, 1985.
“… There are times when a person is not corrected, unless they are cut and burned. To those not falling under this category, kill them, jail them… humanity must be provided for through retaliation… set aside these childish emotions,” he said.
Ayatollah Montazeri’s faceoff against Khomeini climaxed over the 1988 massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners, mainly members and supporters of the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
Assadollah Badamchian, a known member of Khomeini’s inner circle, wrote in his book criticizing Montazeri, “One day Ahmad Agha (Khomeini’s son) came to see me and we had a three-hour meeting. In fact, he was actually interrogating me. He said you and Mr. Mohtashami (then Iran’s ambassador to Syria) have said the people have voted for the supreme leader, not to Ahmad Agha’s leadership. He then said you have told Mr. Khamenei (then Iran’s president) I am willing to go to the gates of hell with Khomeini, but I’m not willing to enter. It became obvious that both of the individuals had reported my words to him. I told Ahmad Agha it is obvious that the people voted to the supreme leadership, not to your leadership. Ahmad Agha said does [Khomeini] intend to go to hell? I said he doesn’t intend to go to hell, yet these measures being carried out in prisons under his name, I believe, deserves hell and I can’t approve them.”
Now, at the end of this regime’s fourth decade, the world is coming to realize that Iran has become the very hell that Khomeini built. Various countries used to appease the rulers of this hell.
The page is now turning as the Iranian people seek to retake their country and make a heaven out of it.
The only support the West should provide for the Iranian people is to stop providing a lifeline to the Iranian regime.
The Iranian people, with their opposition movement, will build their heaven through establishing freedom and democracy in Iran.

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