۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۲۷, یکشنبه

Iran: Opposition convention & mullahs’ critical conditions

Maryam Rajavi at the Iranian opposition convention, 2017

 In recent days a growing number of Iranian regime officials are referring to various aspects of the increasing crises before the Iranian regime and the threat of their apparatus being toppled.
A number of the most important figures resorting to such remarks include Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and parliament speaker Ali Larijani.
Evaluating the reasons behind these concerns expressed by a wide variety of officials in Iran, we come to understand how the mullahs’ apparatus is troubled of “nationwide crises” and how to control such circumstances.
It is no coincidence that state media are questioning the very existence of this regime at a very sensitive timing for Tehran.

Issue at hand

Rouhani in his remarks is directing viewers to believe the regime is awaiting a decision to engage with the world and continue the policy of further talks, similar to the 2015 nuclear agreement. This decision, however, can only be made by none other than Khamenei and such a highly important policy matter needs his blessing.
The regime’s Supreme Leader, however, flatly denied the existence of any emergencies in his recent remarks.
Such a contradictory situation indicate the crisis is increasing at the regime’s helm and Tehran is under intense global isolation.
Larijani has described this dilemma as a quadrilateral issue:
  • International isolation
  • Social calamities
  • Rifts within the regime’s ranks and files
  • Growing influence of the regime’s democratic alternative, symbolized in the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)
In his remarks Larijani also resorted to threats, emphasizing Tehran will not sit idly by and will take serious action against those endangering the country’s security (in words targeting the millions of protesters across the country).
It is worth noting that in last year’s Iranian Diaspora convention, with hundreds of international figures and more than 100,000 participants taking part in Paris, Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi said the following regarding Iran’s explosive society:

“The light of change is shining on Iran. The ruling regime is in disarray and paralyzed as never before. Iranian society is simmering with discontent and the international community is finally getting closer to the reality that appeasing the ruling theocracy is misguided.
“These intense circumstances speak to three fundamental truths related to obtaining freedom and liberty in Iran, as well as peace and tranquility in the region:
First, the overthrow of the ruling religious dictatorship is an imperative.
Second, the regime’s overthrow is within reach.
And third, a democratic alternative and an organized resistance exists, which is capable of toppling the theocracy in Iran.”

This year’s Iranian Diaspora convention is being held as protests across Iran are continuing and change is insight for this nation to finally be ruled by a democratic state in a free Iran.
This convention is scheduled for June 30th in Paris.
The religious dictatorship ruling Iran has come to realize it has always been on the losing side in its faceoff against the Iranian people and their democratic alternative.
This year, Tehran will face a similar conclusion with far graver consequences.
Read more about the June 30th convention in this website.

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