۱۳۹۷ تیر ۱, جمعه

Iran: Fate of Political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi in limbo

Political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi

Nearly three months after the last message from political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi there is no information about his current whereabouts.
The family of this political prisoner has been threatened and remains under pressure. It is only known that Davoudi is under pressure and torture, and currently held in the quarantined section of Zahedan Central Prison in southeast Iran.
Based on the latest reports published back in March, Davoudi was on hunger strike from March 3rd and said the following about his protest:
“My hunger strike aims to be provided fresh air time and some sunshine, which I have been inhumanely deprived of since July 26th in Zabol and Zahedan prisons.”
Davoudi is currently suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart illness.
In his last message Davoudi explained how he is losing his vision and being deprived of even the most basic necessities.
“I am being held in a small dungeon supposedly known as cell number two in the prison quarantine section. I am deprived of any visits, telephone calls, connection with other prisoners, fresh air time, walks, reading books, watching TV, being able to purchase medicine, adequate food considering my illnesses and …”
No news from this political prisoner raises concerns about his health.
Last year, prior to the Iranian opposition’s annual convention in Paris, Davoudi sent a message in support saying:
“I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say currently the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is the oldest and most organized entity of the imminent alternative directing the nationwide struggle aiming to establish freedom from the evil of a mafia established by [Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei and his partners. The PMOI/MEK’s presence has now become an undeniable necessity. The large participation of freedom loving people in such events continues to be heartwarming for resilient prisoners that continue to yearn their country’s freedom while inside the regime’s medieval dungeons, day and night…”
More voices from across the globe are expressing their support for the June 30th Iranian opposition convention in Paris.
Visit this website to read more about this very important event.

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