۱۳۹۷ شهریور ۲, جمعه

Iran’s regime and a strong opposition

Khomeini's decree to execute, with no hesitation, all unrepentant political prisoners

Excerpts from an article by Abdulrahman Mahabadi

Al Bashayer daily - Egypt
Considering Iran’s strategic position in the Middle East, the circumstances of its opposition is also quite significant. The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is the sole nationwide and serious force in Iran that has stood in the face of the mullahs’ regime from day one and has never gone back on its position of overthrowing this regime.
The first steps taken by the PMOI/MEK took two and a half years (after the 1979 revolution) to unveil the very nature of (Iranian regime founder Ruhollah) Khomeini and his regime.
The PMOI/MEK did not vote for the mullahs’ constitution, considering it against Iran’s national and popular sovereignty. This led to Khomeini going against his promises and personally entering the scene to prevent [Iranian Resistance leader] Massoud Rajavi’s candidacy, despite the fact that Rajavi enjoyed support from the majority of the people and political organizations. Khomeini went on to issue a fatwa saying “[PMOI/MEK] are worse than infidels.” This launched the regime’s killing spree that continues to this day.
Seeking to cement his dictatorship, Khomeini continued to pressure the PMOI/MEK to take part in his crackdown against Iran’s Kurdistan community and other non-religious movements. The PMOI/MEK, however, relied on their founding principle, saying “no” to Khomeini and continuing to defend the rights of the Kurdish people and other freedom-loving movements, and further angering Khomeini.
As the faceoff continued and the mullahs sustained their efforts to force the PMOI/MEK into succumbing to their demands, this organization launched a 500,000-strong march in Tehran on June 20th, 1981. This once again portrayed this PMOI/MEK’s perseverance and challenged the regime’s claims of legitimacy.
Khomeini no longer tolerated these peaceful measures and ordered the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to open fire on the demonstration. This brought an end to the first phase of the Khomeini/PMOI faceoff.
The PMOI/MEK have stood firm on their positions and through the years they have been able to present to the world the sole democratic alternative to the mullahs’ regime, found in the largest coalition established back in 1982 and known as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
Through the years of the 1980s Iran-Iraq War and with Khomeini pledging to fight until the very last house, the head of the NCRI signed a peace agreement with the Iraqi government following Baghdad’s retreat from Iranian soil. The Iranian people and international community welcomed the accord at the time and four years later, while maintaining their principles, the PMOI/MEK transferred to Iraq to launch the “National Liberation Army of Iran” and deliver such a blow to the Iranian regime that it forced Khomeini to give in to United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 in 1988.
This was considered a “chalice of poison” by Khomeini and proves the correct nature of the PMOI/MEK’s strategy.
It has now been four decades that Iran has been witnessing these two forces in a fierce battle. The religious dictatorship ruling Iran against the NCRI.
In this roadmap we have witnessed thousands upon thousands of Iranians sent to the gallows by this regime as they said no to its dictatorship. In 1988, over 30,000 political prisoners insisted on their allegiance to the PMOI/MEK and were sent to be executed.
In these four decades, neither collusion, concessions, promises of leading government roles; nor arrests, torture and execution; nor conspiracies nor very significant pledges; nor assassinations, bombings, missile or ground attacks; nor conspiracies by the Iranian regime and/or various parties of the international community; nor bogus terrorist designations were able to stop this true opposition movement from moving forward. They have now become the beacon of hope for the Iranian people and a large spectrum of nations across the globe. The Iranian people’s current uprising is the rendered result of such an ongoing struggle in Iran.
Now, at the end of the fourth decade of this dictatorship, we are witnessing a strong opposition bringing the possibility of overthrowing this regime closer than ever before. It won’t be long that history will raise the hand of the victor in this 40-year long battle.

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