۱۳۹۶ اسفند ۱۵, سه‌شنبه

Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change, U.S. Policy Options

Rudy Giuliani at OIAC Iran Policy Briefing

Mayor Giuliani: MEK always sought democracy, freedom, rights for women, rights for everyone, and a nonnuclear, peaceful Iran
The uprisings [in Iran] were obviously not sporadic. They were very well organized… in every major city in Iran … and then continuing on to today”
 Rudy Giuliani
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, March 5, 2018 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Washington, DC; March 1, 2018 - At a National Press Club luncheon titled, “Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change, U.S. Policy Options,” the fourth in a series of OIAC-sponsored forums on Iran policy, former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani urged the U.S. Government and the international community to impose further sanctions on the clerical regime and do more to stand with the Iranian people in their efforts to change the regime and bring freedom and democracy to Iran.
Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs during the Bush Administration, moderated the event.
Mayor Giuliani praised the Iranian people for their uprising and the U.S. administration for supporting the protesters, adding, “I am very, very glad that at the very outset back in December, … President’s public support of anti-regime protesters, which riveted 142 cities in Iran, really basically changed American foreign policy.”
“The uprisings [in Iran] were obviously not sporadic. They were very well organized… in every major city in Iran … and then continuing on to today,” Mr. Giuliani said.
When asked about the street slogans of “reformers, hardliners—the game is now over,” Giuliani said, “The whole notion of reformers inside Iran… those are the people you see on the street. They’re not sitting in government offices.”
In regards to the organized opposition, Mr. Giuliani added, “the MEK [Mujahedin-e Khalq organization] is a significant movement in Iran…. There is no organization as comprehensive as the MEK or with the both internal and … foreign support… It should be clear at the outset that the MEK is not interested in dominating alone the politics in Iran…. it’s always been an organization seeking democracy, freedom, rights for women, rights for everyone, and a nonnuclear, peaceful Iran.”
Dismissing the concerns about a post-theocracy Iran, Mr. Giuliani said, “We have a great alternative in Madame [Maryam] Rajavi… We have a woman who’s proven herself, we have a woman that beyond anyone is popular inside Iran… extraordinarily popular … She’s in favor of freedom, economic democracy, the rights of women.”
He urged the U.S. government to, make sure Iranian people have “open access to the Internet without interference,” and called for added sanctions. “We should make sure that particularly access to banking is cut off,” he said.
Dr. Majid Sadeghpour
Organization of Iranian American Communities-US (OIAC)
Rudy Giuliani at OIAC Iran Policy Briefing

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