۱۳۹۶ آبان ۹, سه‌شنبه

Iran - Rouhani: Hysterical remarks against Mojahedin, defending war, terrorism and stockpiling ballistic missiles

National Council of Resistance of Iran

Rouhani, president of the Iranian regime, in his speech in the parliament on October 29th, showed his anger and fear of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance. He also emphasized the continuation of criminal meddling of the regime in the region and its plan for the production of ballistic missiles and their storage.
He said: 'We produced, are producing, and will produce ... We shall not hesitate in producing and storing any weapon me might need and using them at the time necessary to defend ourselves.”
Rouhani insolently claimed the United States has undermined 'Syria's security', 'Lebanon's security', 'Iraq’s security' and 'stability and security in Afghanistan' and planned to 'divide Iraq', but it was the mullahs’ regime that 'helped the  people of Iraq and Syria” and did not allow' the territorial integrity of Iraq to be undermined '.
In addition to the US government, French, German and British leaders have repeatedly emphasized in recent weeks that the missile program and meddling of the Iranian regime in the region are a matter of serious concern and should be tackled in coordination with the United States.
Rouhani's remarks come at a time that every day more details are revealed about the mullahs’ regime’s relations with al-Qaeda, ISIL and Taliban, and its financial and logistical support to them. Establishing and strengthening terrorist groups under the banner of Sunni or Shi'a by the regime, and its direct participation in the killing of the people of Syria, Iraq and Yemen .... has left no doubt that this regime is the main source of the crisis and war that has covered the region since years ago.  
While he could not hide his frustration and anger from the popular suport of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance, Rouhani ridiculed claimed that the clerical regime had driven out the PMOI from the country and the United States had sheltered them. 
On October 26, a 'security official' introduced the PMOI as the cause for 'creating turmoil and chaos next week on the occasion of the commemoration' of Cyrus and said that the PMOI 'by launching protest rallies against corruption and economic problems in the country' divert the rallies by raising slogans against the regime.
On October 12 and 14 when US new Iran policy was announced, Rouhani called Khamenei 'the link between religion and politics,' whose 'orders' should be 'obeyed.' He said disgustingly that the IRGC 'is not only popular among the Iranian people but also popular among the people of Iraq because it  has saved Baghdad; it is also popular with Iraqi Kurds because it has saved Erbil; it is also popular with the people of Damascus and Syria, because it is saved Damascus; it is also popular with the people of Lebanon because it has been a supporter of the dignity and independence of Lebanon. '
Rohani's recent remarks clearly show how ridiculous and deceptive is the claims about the moderation of the Velayat-e Faqih regime, and once the policy of appeasement fails and the Revolutionary Guards, the most criminal force in the Iranian history, are put on the terrorist list, Rouhani and Zarif put aside the moderation mask and become furious advocates of the IRGC and embrace Jafari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, and Suleimani, the commander of terrorists.
Iranian Resistance has repeatedly stated that all regime officials, from any fraction, are directly responsible for the executions, torture and massacre of political prisoners and the killings and war in Iran and in the region, and they should be included in the terrorist lists and international sanctions and must face justice for their crimes against humanity.

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