۱۳۹۷ آذر ۱۹, دوشنبه

Iranian student protests on the occasion of ‘Student Day’ despite regime’s oppressive measures

Student protests on the occasion of ‘Student Day’

Call on international human rights authorities to take immediate action to release arrested students

Despite extensive repressive measures and arresting a large number of students, students’ protest rallies and demonstrations on the occasion of the Student Day (December 7th), which started on Monday, continue at various universities in the country.
On Saturday, December 8th, a group of students at the University of Tehran gathered in front of the university entrance and chanted anti-government slogans. This was despite the fact that repressive forces had blocked the streets around Tehran University. Students from the Tehran Technical College also demonstrated while chanting: “Student would rather die than accept humiliation”, and the students of the Faculty of Art also chanted: “One, Two, Three, Freedom”.
On the same day students held similar protest gatherings and demonstrations at Sharif University of Technology and Tarbiat Moallem University in Tehran, University of Nooshirvan in Babol, Tabriz University, Garmsar University, Ahvaz University, Semnan University, Sahand University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Technology, Marand University and Urmia University.
In their demonstrations, students chanted slogan: “Imprisoned students must be freed”. They also supported workers’ protests by chanting: “Imprisoned workers must be freed”.
On Sunday, December 9th, students from some universities, including Tehran University and Allameh University, gathered and marched. Students at the University of Tehran chanted: “Student, Worker, United, United!”
In fear of the spread of the demonstrations and protests, suppressive forces have arrested a large number of university students from Tehran University and other universities in recent days, some of whom have been summoned and threatened by the Intelligence Ministry.
Iranian Resistance calls on all students unions and syndicates in different countries to support Iranian students, and calls on international human rights advocates to take immediate action to free arrested students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran