۱۳۹۷ دی ۱۹, چهارشنبه

Plots of the Mullahs' Intelligence Ministry and Embassy in Norway

Statement of the Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Norway

The clerical regime's terrorist plot in Europe in 2018, organized by the diplomats and embassies of the religious fascism ruling Iran, has made a review in relations with this regime ever more necessary. In 2018, the regime's terrorist plots spanned over Albania, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. In the same year a terrorist-diplomat of the regime was arrested in Germany and handed over to Belgian judiciary, the regime's ambassador and the head of Iran’s Intelligence station in Albania, and three other diplomat-terrorist of this regime were expelled from France and the Netherlands.
Developments in 2018 showed that the clerical regime and its ambassadors and diplomats in Norway, severely abuse the embassy and facilities to advance their terrorist and spying purposes. That includes imposing two agents by the names of Bahareh Heydari and Mohammad Davoodzadeh as refugees, entrapping the Minister of Fisheries of Norway through the same female agent and bringing him to Iran and getting his information through his mobile phone. The representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in this regard calls for the opening of a judicial case in Norway.
The NCRI representative also stresses the need and urgency of listing the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) as terrorist entity, and the prosecution and sentencing of agents and mercenaries of the religious fascism and expelling them from Norway and other European countries and in particular the revocation of their refugee status. The agents and mercenaries of the mullahs’ religious fascism in Norway and those who, under any pretext, directly or indirectly, interact with the Iranian regime and co-operate in some ways with it and at the same time use refugee or asylum seeker status, are not entitled to asylum. They are criminals who undermine the security of real asylum seekers and Iranian dissidents, undermine the dignity and the right to asylum for freedom loving and noble Iranians, and also threaten the security of the host Per Sandberg country and its citizens. The following facts are remarkable:
1. Bahareh Heydari, wo was sent to Norway in 2006, has pursued a specific mission for many years. She, who has close ties with the ambassador, the embassy and regime officials, after having acquired a Norwegian citizenship, entrapped Norway's Fisheries Minister, Per Sandberg. To this end, she established a fisheries trade company and a Norwegian-Iranian Friendship Association. According to the Norwegian press, the first meeting of this association was held at the office of the Minister of Fisheries. Bahareh Heydari accompanied Sandberg at a party of the regime's ambassador in Oslo for Nowruz 1397 and then visited Iran at least twice. This ultimately led to the resignation of Sandberg from the government and his expulsion from his party. Trapping through women is a well-known method of the mullahs’ Intelligence that it has used repeatedly.
2. According to Aftenposten on December 21, the Norwegian Committee for "investigation into quarantine of government authorities," condemned the meeting of Norwegian Fisheries Minister accompanied by Baharegh Heydari with an advisor to Rouhani at presidential palace of the mullahs in Tehran and promises of cooperation with the regime at this meeting as a clear violation of the laws of Norway and abuse of official authority.
3- At the Nowruz celebration of 1397 of the embassy, in addition to Bahareh Heydari and Per Sandberg, another intelligence agent, Mohammad Davoodzadeh, is also present in the front row and close to the regime's ambassador. Davoodzadeh was arrested upon his return from Iran on October 21 at the Gothenberg airport in Sweden at the request of the Danish government on suspicion of involvement in terrorist plots against Iranian dissidents. He was sent to Norway in 2008 to pose as a refugee and obtain Norwegian citizenship, which provided him with a lot of facilities for performing the duties assigned by the Ministry of Intelligence. He traveled frequently to Iran despite having refugee status. This is a betrayal of all refugees and based on the Geneva Convention and the laws of Norway completely revokes his refugee status.
Davoodzadeh was tasked to get close to the PMOI and NCRI in Norway, but further research highlighted the suspicion of being a mercenary; the issue was communicated with Norwegian officials to prevent future terrorist plots and espionage.
4. As the scandal about relations with the religious fascism ruling Iran spread, Bahareh Heydari, along with Per Sandberg, try desperately to cover up this scandal by attacking the PMOI and the NCRI. In a book that the two published entitled "Foreign powers have entered," they shamelessly claimed "Bahareh says she is neither affiliated with nor connected to the Iranian regime, and suspicions against her, indicating that she is a spy or secret agent, is only ludicrous." On page 211 of the book, Per Sandberg ridiculously made himself loved by the mullahs and without providing any date or time or document, claimed that the tone of the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, with "Bahareh was humiliating and ugly." As if the representative of the Iranian Resistance has to praise the agents and collaborators of religious Gestapo!
5. The female agent, in order to hike her price for the mullahs, while claiming that she has no relationship or affiliation to the mullahs' regime, in an interview with the Norwegian media says, “we want to go to Iran, but I'm worried that the PMOI will target me inside Iran.” Female agent shamelessly adds, “I have notified Iranian government officials about this and they assured me that during my visit to Iran they would protect me!!” (Aftenposten, August 27, and Adresseavisen, August 25, 2018).
6. The female agent, in a dirty scenario and lie claims, "Both on Facebook and Instagram has been threatened to be killed. His brother in Germany received a phone call from an active member of the PMOI in Norway that if he does not make her sister choke, they will not be silenced. He warned her (i.e. Bahareh) not to go out." This criminal defamation is a ground for terrorism and further crimes by the mullahs against the Iranian Resistance and was categorically denied at the time from the NCRI Representative in the Aftenposten newspaper. (August 27, 2018)
7. The embassy of a regime that has executed thousands of PMOI heroine women and every day arrests scores of women for malveiling or being unveiled, and fines them and whips them, a regime that even forces foreign female officials to wear hijabs in teir trips to Iran, has accepted the cost of Bahareh Heydari’s clothing to participate in “Miss Iran!” contest in Europe! The same regime inside Iran throws acid on the faces of malweiled women who do not fully cover their hair, while none of them have the slightest resemblance in clothing to this “Miss Norway!” in the Norwegian “Se og Hør” magazine. (7 to 14 August 2018). To the confession of the female agent in the same magazine, the ambassador and embassy of the very same regime in Norway congratulated her on her victory in “Miss Norway” contest, and appreciated and welcomed her!
8. Vulgarity peaks when the female agent and Per Sandberg resort to another exposed agent, Trond Ali Lynstad, to slander foul against the PMOI. He became Shiite with the mullahs ruling Iran and repeats their slanders against the Iranian resistance; Repeated despicable charges such as torturing disenfranchised members, sect, the cult of personality, people’s hatred towards the PMOI and NCRI, treason, participation in the suppression of Iraqi Kurds and Shiites (pages 210 to 214 Same book).
Lynstad, the only Norwegian, who defends the two men in the service of the religious Gestapo, was for many years a member of the NKP party, a Norwegian version of the hated and traitor party of Tudeh, and a fierce "communist". He, like Kianouri and Tabari – Tudeh Party leaders –became Muslim and Shiite overnight and declared Khomeini as his leader, changing his name to Trond Ali.
9. The invalidity of the lies that the religious Gestapo relays through the female agent and Per Sandberg that have been repeated thousands of times in the mullahs regime media in Iran, has been proven in dozens of courts in the US and Europe. According to the verdicts of the same courts, the United States and the European Union and the United Kingdom abolished the terrorist label against the PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran. The Norwegian government announced from the onset that it did not accept the EU terrorist list and only accepts UN terrorist list.
10. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance for the transition of governance to the Iranian people, in one of her travels to Norway in December 2009, met with Gunnar Sønsteby, the national hero of the Norwegian resistance against Hitler's fascism, which was reported in Aftenposten December 6, 2009. When the reporter of Aftenposten asked the national champion of Norway about charges of terrorism and demonization against the Iranian Resistance, the Great Gunnar, pointing to Mrs. Rajavi said: “All resistances - that are fighting against dictatorships and for democracy – are poised to these accusations. Don’t listen to these things - we and the resistance movement and the Norwegian Milorg were also terrorists and anarchists and aggressors and torturers and so on!”
11. In December 2018 the Norwegian media wrote that the book has not sold more than fifty copies and the rest has remained unsold. The notorious authors of this book, angered by the credibility of the Iranian Resistance in Norway wrote:
- "Parviz Khazaei is known in Norway and by Norwegian media as a trusted source and expert, and political authorities and the parliament and even the Progressive party attach him to their chest and worship him like God."
- "Neither Khazaei, nor other members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, are willing to distance themselves from past actions of this group, be it the killing of civilians or being a close ally of Saddam Hussein in the fight against Iraqi Kurds and Shiite Muslims. Khazaei says: ‘We have carried out a legitimate war.’ (pages 213 and 214 of the same book). "
12. The National Council of Resistance of Iran and all its members are proud of having a history and record full of patriotism and freedom loving, and their actions not only were in line with freedom and popular sovereignty in Iran but also with peace in the region and the world, and preventing the spread of fundamentalism and terrorism and the formation of an "Islamic empire" and obtaining of atomic bombs by the religious fascism ruling Iran. In May 2011, a French judge announced in his decision that based on the French laws, the PMOI operations inside Iran were resistance operations and in Ashraf and Iraq has been the performance of a regular army, none of which is considered terrorism. As such, the case that the French government had opened against the Iranian resistance at the request of the Iranian regime in 2001with spending tens of millions of Euros under the pretext of terrorism, was closed forever.
13. Another patriotic pride of the Iranian Resistance is the exposing the regime's nuclear sites and projects that have been acknowledged times and again by Western officials and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). When the NCRI at a press conference in Washington, DC, in 2002 disclosed sites in Arak and Natanz, no one in the world was aware of the efforts of the regime to obtain nuclear weapons, and the Iranian Resistance defused the project to obtain nuclear bomb by the religious fascism. Rouhani in his book titled "National Security and the nuclear diplomacy" wrote the IAEA had promised that by 2003, about 54 thousand centrifuges would work but the press conference of the PMOI and false accusations stalled everything.
14 - The mullahs' foreign agents and enablers forget that Khomeini's thesis was the Islamic version of the so-called "Mine Camp" of Hitler and explicitly called for a "global caliphate of Islam". This idea has been named in the Introduction of the constitution of the regime as “The Union of Islamic Republics”. Iraq, with its 1,200 km border with Iran and the majority of the Shiite population was the first loop. The goal was shattered by the NCRI peace plan and the National Liberation Army (like Milorg of Norway) and forced Khomeini to drink the chalice of ceasefire and to end the eight-year war with deceptive slogans of conquest of Jerusalem via Karbala.
15 – The NCRI peace plan that was adopted in March 1983 had the support of 6,000 political leaders, government officials and parliamentarians, especially in the US and Europe, and was published as a book at that time. The NCRI peace plan fully secured Iran's national interests, and put the 1975 Algiers accord, which the Iraqi government at the beginning of the war had declared null and void, as the basis for peace, and put getting compensation also on the agenda. At that time, many Arab countries announced they were ready to contribute to Iran's compensation payments. But Khomeini and his anti-national policy of "war, war until victory" led to the point where today, 37 years after the Council's peace plan, while it is 16 years that the puppets of the clerical regime rule in Iraq, the Iranian regime has failed to sign a peace deal with this government.
The NCRI representative points out once again that the demonization campaign of the clerical regime in Norway against the PMOI is part of the espionage and terrorism plans of the mullahs in Europe. The machine of disseminating fake news and demonization by this regime, using the "friendly journalists" of the Ministry of Intelligence, and thousands of fake Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and other social media accounts and internet facilities, provides the grounds for espionage and terrorism plots.
The intelligence, terrorist and spy agents of religious fascism should not be allowed to commit further crimes. The time has come to expose and publish the names of the mercenaries and the affiliates of the regime and the trial and expulsion of them.

Representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Oslo - January 6, 2019
Mohammad Davoodzadeh, fourth from the left
Nowruz celebration of the regime’s embassy in Oslo 1397
First from the left: The regime’s ambassador
Third from the left: Bahareh Heydari
Fourth from the left: Per Sandberg
Sixth from the left: Mohammad Davoodzadeh

۱۳۹۷ آذر ۱۹, دوشنبه

Iranian student protests on the occasion of ‘Student Day’ despite regime’s oppressive measures

Student protests on the occasion of ‘Student Day’

Call on international human rights authorities to take immediate action to release arrested students

Despite extensive repressive measures and arresting a large number of students, students’ protest rallies and demonstrations on the occasion of the Student Day (December 7th), which started on Monday, continue at various universities in the country.
On Saturday, December 8th, a group of students at the University of Tehran gathered in front of the university entrance and chanted anti-government slogans. This was despite the fact that repressive forces had blocked the streets around Tehran University. Students from the Tehran Technical College also demonstrated while chanting: “Student would rather die than accept humiliation”, and the students of the Faculty of Art also chanted: “One, Two, Three, Freedom”.
On the same day students held similar protest gatherings and demonstrations at Sharif University of Technology and Tarbiat Moallem University in Tehran, University of Nooshirvan in Babol, Tabriz University, Garmsar University, Ahvaz University, Semnan University, Sahand University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Technology, Marand University and Urmia University.
In their demonstrations, students chanted slogan: “Imprisoned students must be freed”. They also supported workers’ protests by chanting: “Imprisoned workers must be freed”.
On Sunday, December 9th, students from some universities, including Tehran University and Allameh University, gathered and marched. Students at the University of Tehran chanted: “Student, Worker, United, United!”
In fear of the spread of the demonstrations and protests, suppressive forces have arrested a large number of university students from Tehran University and other universities in recent days, some of whom have been summoned and threatened by the Intelligence Ministry.
Iranian Resistance calls on all students unions and syndicates in different countries to support Iranian students, and calls on international human rights advocates to take immediate action to free arrested students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

۱۳۹۷ آذر ۹, جمعه

Kermanshah Earthquake, An Added Dilemma For Distressed People

Kermanshah earthquake, an added dilemma for distressed people

Only one year after Kermanshah earthquake, and while the people in different cities of the province are still living in tents or trailers, another quake shook the area.
The 6.3 in magnitude earthquake shook vast parts of western Iran at 8 pm local time, on November 25.
Initial estimates indicate that more than 700 were injured and at least 7 people were killed.
Kermanshah earthquake, an added dilemma for distressed people
Kermanshah earthquake, an added dilemma for distressed people
Although precise data regarding the situation of those affected by the earthquake is not at hand, a brief look at the circumstances after last year’s earthquake speaks for itself.
The inhabitants of the earthquake stricken areas have addressed their problems via the media times and again. The social activists setting up tweeter campaigns have disclosed the regime’s inaction throughout the last year.
While the regime abuses the official media as a mean to cover up its inefficiencies, rubbing salt into the people’s wounds, the deprived people even sell their kidneys to provide their lives and to rebuild their homes.

In this regard, the head of the city council of Sarpol-e Zahab, admitted: There are institutions that said they would support the earthquake stricken people to the end, but they left the work unfinished and handed the cases over to the Housing Foundation. Schools have been left unfinished. Many people have cleaned the rubbles on their own expense. He also revealed that some were willing to sell their kidneys for their construction work. No promise has been put into practice. Unemployment has become viral amongst the educated youths of Sarpol-e Zahab, one of the earthquake stricken cities. (Simaye Azadi, Sep,14,2018)
But the question is; how many more earthquakes should happen in order to secure the villages and cities in Iran against the quakes? How many more innocent people, including children, should be killed so that the national wealth would be used to rebuild and secure the earthquake-prone towns instead of fueling foreign conflicts? The main question is: When will this disarray, which is directly caused by the corruption in the urbanization system, end? Of course, this is only a small sample of the corruption that the regime is plunged in.
This corrupt regime, not only hasn’t done much to help the people in the earthquake stricken areas but also has stopped the nationwide flow of aid to these areas.

Ironically, the regime did the honorable people who rushed to aid our compatriots after the earthquake last year, including PMOI supporters from Kermanshah who rushed to help, answering the call of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and the PMOI/MEK.
On November 25, after the recent earthquake, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi sent a message of condolences to the afflicted people and called on all the youths and fellow countrymen and countrywomen to help the earthquake stricken people.

I urge my countrymen and women, especially the brave youth, to rush to the aid of our afflicted compatriots struck by earthquake in and other cities and districts in western Iran, including Qasr-e Shirin, Sarpol-e Zahab, and Gilan-e Gharb.
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۱۳۹۷ آذر ۷, چهارشنبه

Present The Statement Of 150 MEPs To Mrs. Maryam Rajavi

The EP delegation noted the statement of 150 MEPs and conveyed the support of their colleagues in the European Parliament to Maryam Rajavi.

On Sunday, November 25, a delegation of the European Parliament visited Mrs.Maryam Rajavi in Albania, EU delegation offered the statement of 150 MEPs to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the NCRI.
In addition, to discuss over the situation of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/ MEK) in Albania, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi admired the MEPs’ support for the organized resistance movement. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi also explained the latest developments of the Iranian Resistance and resistance unitsinside Iran.
Maryam Rajavi’s website published a report about this meeting:
November 25, 2018 – A delegation of members of the European Parliament, including Mr. Tunne Kelam, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice Chair of Friends of a Free Iran inter-parliamentary group, Mr. Jaromir Stetina, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense, and Mr. Struan Stevenson, coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change, met with Maryam Rajavi.
The EP delegation noted the statement of 150 MEPs and conveyed the support of their colleagues in the European Parliament to Maryam Rajavi. The statement of MEPs stipulates, “Since late December last year, Iranian cities have been the scenes of major uprisings and anti-regime protests. The social atmosphere is volatile, and people demand fundamental change. The regime’s officials have acknowledged the role of “resistance units” of the opposition PMOI in organizing protests and nationwide strikes.”
The statement emphasizes, “Unable to defeat the protesters at home, the regime launched a new wave of terrorism against the democratic opposition activists in Europe and in the United States.”
The statement by MEPs concludes, “We must hold the Iranian regime accountable for its terror plots and expel Iranian Intelligence Ministry operatives from Europe. We must also condition our relations with Iran to an improvement of human rights and women’s rights, and a halt to executions.”
During the meeting, Mr. Tunne Kelam said: I have been closely following up on Iran and the Iranian Resistance for 20 years. I have personally met and seen the PMOIin Ashraf and talked to hundreds of them. This is the second time I am visiting them, in Albania. What I saw today was truly remarkable, indicating on the one hand, their wonderful advances in building this place in such a short period of time and on the other hand, their livelihood and joy. To me, this is a promise that the people of Iran will achieve their freedom.
Mr. Kelam congratulated Maryam Rajavi on these advances and said: Your movement has set a new moral, political and democratic standard, something that gives you the power to confront the medieval, fundamentalist regime ruling Iran.
At the same time, Mrs. Rajavi and PMOI have provided moral and political inspiration for hundreds of European political leaders in supporting PMOI’s struggle for freedom in Iran. European politicians have been encouraged to take a strong and principled political stand versus the appeasement policy, Mr. Kelam added.
Mr. Stetina also said: A wide range of MEPs from different political groups support the PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran. They are confident that Iran’s future is tied to this Resistance and to you, personally. This is why the Iranian regime has once again resorted to terrorism. Their ill-fated terrorist attempts in Albania, France, and the U.S. clearly show that the Iranian regime views this movement as its main existential threat. When it cannot defeat the PMOI and the NCRI by suppression and terror, it moves full force to deploy the mercenaries and “reporters” it has trained to demonize the Resistance and carry out smear campaigns. This is something that we have very well experienced in the European Parliament.
Mr. Stevenson also said in this meeting: All signs indicate that Iran’s ruling regime is in dire straits and cannot continue its rule. The emphases by the leader, president and other officials of the regime leave no doubts on the role of the PMOI in advancing the popular uprisings. Therefore, there is nothing strange for us that their slander machine has been put to work at its highest speed. These efforts are in vain and will not deceive anyone.
Maryam Rajavi expressed her appreciation for the efforts of members of the European Parliament. Explaining in detail the latest developments on the volatile state of the Iranian society and the regime’s aggravating crises, she said: Despite massive repression, widespread arrests and murders in detention projected as suicides, the Iranian people’s uprisings have continued ever since they started in the final days of last year, becoming ever more organized. The growing trend of strikes, protests, and demonstrations by workers, farmers, and other toiling sectors have sounded the alarm bells for the regime, bringing closer the prospects of victory of freedom and democracy over the dark religious tyranny that has invaded our homeland for four decades.

Maryam Rajavi Sulla Terza Opzione Per Affrontare Il Regime Iraniano

Di Mahmoud Hakamian

In Occidente, è opinione diffusa che ci siano due modi per affrontare il regime iraniano: l'accondiscendenza o la guerra.
Dal 1979, la politica di accondiscendenza ha vinto e la maggior parte dei paesi ha voltato la faccia per ignorare le atrocità del regime, al fine di evitare la guerra a tutto campo, che avrebbe dato i suoi problemi.
Tuttavia, vi è una terza opzione, avanzata da Maryam Rajavi, il presidente eletto della Resistenza Iraniana, che sostiene il cambio di regime in Iran causato dal popolo iraniano e dalla resistenza iraniana.
Maryam Rajavi ha sempre asserito che nessuna concessione avrebbe fermato i mullah dalla loro disastrosa strada, poiché il regime è "una teocrazia medievale che non ha la capacità di riforma". Dopo tutto, il principio della regola del clero assoluto è un pilastro della costituzione che non può essere mai cambiato, non che i mullah l'avrebbe mai permesso in ogni caso. Questo principio mina qualsiasi nozione di democrazia e solidifica l'egemonia incontrollata dei mullah.
Maryam Rajavi ha dichiarato: "Non ci sono dubbi: le politiche europee come il dialogo critico, l'impegno costruttivo e il dialogo sui diritti umani non daranno nessun risultato nel cambiare la politica del regime. La politica di accondiscendenza non è il modo per contenere o modificare il regime. Né è la strada per evitare un'altra guerra. L' accondiscendenza incoraggia solo i mullah. "
Ma la guerra con l'Iran minaccerebbe la vita quotidiana del popolo iraniano, potrebbe lasciare il paese vulnerabile all'attacco di gruppi con cattive intenziosi che potrebbero approfittare di un vuoto di potere e minare la legittima opposizione iraniana. Dopo tutto, i mullah accusano già la Resistenza di essere guidata da interessi stranieri.
Maryam Rajavi ha dichiarato: "L'equazione di "un'invasione o pacificazione militare "è un esercizio di inganno politico. Una terza opzione è a portata di mano. Il popolo iraniano e la sua resistenza organizzata hanno la capacità di produrre cambiamenti ".
Il popolo iraniano è stato a lungo oppresso dal regime, ma come abbiamo visto nelle proteste anti-regime a livello nazionale di quest'anno, le persone sono più che disposte a combattere contro il regime, nonostante l'inevitabile brutale repressione.
Maryam Rajavi ha dichiarato: "La presenza di proteste nella società riflette il desiderio iraniano di cambiare regime. La presenza di una resistenza organizzata con 120.000 martiri e più di mezzo milione di prigionieri è indicativa della profondità e dell'intensità del rifiuto della società nei confronti del regime ".
La Resistenza, che guida la maggior parte delle proteste, ha il potere di rovesciare il regime e la volontà di portare democrazia e libertà in Iran. Questo è qualcosa di cui i mullah sono terrorizzati, secondo Maryam Rajavi, il che spiega perché i mullah si sono così disperatamente accaniti nel reprimere le proteste e attaccare la Resistenza all'estero.
Maryam Rajavi ha detto: "Perché in tutte le loro interazioni internazionali, i mullah chiedono l'esercizio della pressione sul movimento di resistenza? Tutti questi non sono indicativi della paranoia dei mullah rispetto alla terza opzione? "
Maryam Rajavi ha spiegato che il Consiglio Nazionale della Resistenza Iraniana (CNRI), una coalizione di forze democratiche, rappresenta la maggioranza della nazione iraniana ed è l'unica garanzia per l'unità dell'Iran dopo la caduta dei mullah e il trasferimento pacifico del potere. Il CNRI si è impegnato a organizzare elezioni libere per un'assemblea costituente entro sei mesi dal cambio di regime e dalla consegna degli affari ai rappresentanti eletti del popolo, nel rispetto di tutte le alleanze internazionali.
Maryam Rajavi ha dichiarato: "Vogliamo ricostruire l'Iran, che i mullah hanno rovinato, attraverso la partecipazione popolare, il ritorno dei nostri esperti e l'amicizia con il resto del mondo. Non cerchiamo né il denaro né le armi dell'Occidente. Vogliamo che rimangano neutrali tra la resistenza iraniana da una parte e il regime al potere dall'altra ".

Haft Tapeh Rises Up For Its Rights

Haft Tapeh rises up for its rights

Since three weeks ago the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Mill’s hard-working workers gathered in front of the governorate office in Shush south of Iran.
Youths, students and workers’ families participated extensively in the demonstrations. Women played a significant role at the forefront.
On Saturday, November 17, 2018 a massive demonstration took place in spite of repressive measures and the creation of a climate of fear and terror, including the presence of scores of the special anti-riot and other repressive forces in the police station, governorate and the city.but when the workers did not stop the strike, the suppressive forces arrested and detained some of them.
At the November 6 demonstration, the protesters chanted:“We are workers of the Haft Tapeh, we are hungry, hungry”, “Down with the oppressor, hail to the worker”, “Worker dies but does not accept humiliation”, “One less embezzlement, our problem will be solved!”, “The betrayal of the authorities must be disclosed”, “We do not want deceptive ”, “Government, embezzler, happy marriage!”
Protesters, including students, carried handwritten banners reading:
“We are children of Haft Tapeh, we are hungry”, “Dad gave water, dad gave bread, is no longer our slogan; but dad gave his life”, “We do not want false promises, we want our rights.”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) saluted the striking workers of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane factory and Ahvaz National Steel Group and said:
“Shush has risen with the cries of workers, and solidarity and strike of youth, teachers and merchants of the bazaar. The enemy attempts in vain to silence the Haft Tapeh deprived workers by suppressing and arresting them, but the cry of “we are hungry, hungry” of the children of Shush, calls the conscience of every human being to rise up against the oppressor mullahs…
The enemy tries in vain to silence the voice of the deprived workers of Haft Tappeh through arrests and suppression. The cries of “we are hungry” of the children of Shush awaken the conscience of every human being, provoking them to rise up against the oppressive mullahs.
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Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the Iranian resistance also hailed the determination of the oppressed hard-working workers of Haft Tapeh sugar cane factory and Ahvaz National Steel Group, and other strikers across the country, and called on fellow citizens, especially the youths, to support them and said:
“Poverty, inflation, unemployment and corruption were brought to our country by the religious fascism, and will continue as long as this medieval regime is in power.”
Formerly Mrs. Rajavi had addressed the truckers and marketers on strike in her messages as:
“For as long as the criminal and corrupt mullahs are in power, high prices, recession and poverty and the path to environmental destruction will continue; the only solution to this national crisis is the establishment of democracy and popular rule.”
in ,
National Steel Group employees protesting delayed paychecks and rallying against regime officials.
"Government, ; congratulations on your unity"
"We steelworkers stand against cruelty & oppression"
November 24 in ,southwest
National Steel Group employees protesting delayed paychecks and rallying against regime officials
"Down with this deceptive government"@nikkihaley @StateDept @eu_eeas @FedericaMog pic.twitter.com/7NH8DEqbBy
See Iran Freedom-En's other Tweets
Maryam Rajavi has described the nationwide strike by bazaar merchants and truck drivers as a part of the people’s uprising with the goal of overthrowing the regime and establishing freedom and social justice.
She had said under the mullahs’ regime, the wealth of Iran‘s people, which should be spent on economic improvements and people’s prosperity, is wasted on suppression and export of terrorism and external wars and is stolen by the ruling mullahs.

Achievements of Haft Tapeh Workers So far:

The movement of the Haft Tapeh workers and their achievements, regardless of any gimmicks represented by the regime, to confront it is registered in the record of the national uprising of the Iranian people and the history of the rightful movements of our homeland’s workers.
The uprising of Haft Tapeh workers has succeeded in bringing many similar demands to confront privatization in other areas up front. The demands that have been hiding under the ashes of oppression and disappointment.
Now, by following this example students and even hospital staff are protesting the privatization of education and medical treatment.
In the next step, these demands are immediately upgraded to a higher and more fundamental change.
And in this way, the guild related demands will lead to the most political demands, just as the demonstrations in December 2017 and summer of 2018 quickly became political and targeted the head of the mullahs’ regime.